Chromosomes and Chromosomal Abnormalities Flashcards
Explain basic chromosomal organisation
Telomere (end portions)
Short arm (p)
Centromere (spindle connects here in mitosis)
Long arm (q)
Telomere (end portions)
How is a chromosome recognised ?
Banding pattern with specific stains
Position of centromere
Acrocentric chromosomes
- the short arm doesn’t really matter
- mainly observe long arm
You see:
- centromere
- long arm
State some acrocentric chromosomes
Chromosome changes that cause disease
Balanced chromosome rearrangement
Unbalanced chromosome rearrangement
Balanced chromosome rearrangement
All chromosome material is present
- physical change in location effectively
Unbalanced chromosome rearrangement
Extra or missing chromosomal material.
Usually 1 or 3 copies of some of the genome.
Whole extra or missing chromosome
Rearrangement of chromosomes
State some chromosome changes
Aneuploidy and Non-disjunction in meiosis
Genome doesn’t develop correctly
Occurs prior to fertilisation.
When chromosomes fail to separate normally, resulting in a gain or loss of chromosomes.
Down Syndrome
47 XY + 21
Trisomy 21 (additional chromosome 21)
Edward Syndrome
47 XY + 18
Trisomy 18 (additional chromosome 18)
Patau Syndrome
47 XY + 13
Trisomy 13 (additional chromosome 13)
- associated with cleft palate
How are trisomy diagnoses picked up ?
Rapid prenatal diagnosis
- Interphase chromosome counting using FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridisation)
- Array CGH
Fluorescence In Situ Hybridisation
45 X
Turner Syndrome
Lack of one sex chromosome
Females with only one X chromosome
Array CGH
Mix 2 types of genomic DNA together.
Label one with green and one with red.
If equal numbers of both –> yellow signal
If non-equal numbers –> you would see the predominant colour come through.
Use computer software and a data plot.
Anything above the zero reference = gain of chromosomal info
Below zero reference = loss of chromosomal info
Why is X chromosome aneuploidy better tolerated ?
Due to X chromosome inactivation
47 XXY
Klinefelter syndrome
47 XXX
Triple X
State the 2 major chromosome mutations
- Chromosomal Insertion
- Chromosomal Translocation
Robertsonian Translocation
2 Acrocentric chromosomes (only Q arm) stuck end to end.
End-end fusions around the centromeres.