Chpt. 15 study guide Flashcards
the study of psychological disorders
Psychological disorder
a condition characterized by abnormal thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
APA definition of a psychological disorder
a condition that consists of disturbances thought, feelings, and behaviors and lead to significant distress
the co-occurence of two disorders
- international classification of diseases
- similar to DSM-5
- examines general population health
diathesis-stress model
integrates biological and psychosocial factors to predict the likelihood of a disorder
3 ways fear is learned
- classically conditioned- a stimuli is associated with fear
- vicariously learned- a fear is developed from watching others react with fear towards a stimuli
- verbal transmission of information- a fear is developed from being told to fear a stimuli
intense fear of situations where it might be difficult to escape if one experiences a panic attack
safety behaviors
mental or behavioral acts that reduce anxiety; avoidance of eye contact
behavioral inhibition
a consistent tendency to show fear and restraint when presented with unfamiliar people or situations
obsessions vs compulsions
- obsessions: persistent and unwanted thoughts and urges that are highly intrusive and distressing
- compulsions: repetitive and ritualistic acts, carried out to minimize the distress that obsessions trigger
bipolar disorder
involves mood states that fluctuate between depression and mania
- mania: extreme elation and agitation
- manic episode: a distinct period of abnormally and persistently elevated or irritable mood lasting at least one week
persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia)
depressed moods most of the day nearly every day for at least two years
depression medications
increase serotonin and norepinephrin
bipolar medications
lithium which blocks norepinephrine activity at the synapse
depressive schemas
contain themes of loss failure, rejection, worthlessness and inadequacy
focus on the fact that one is depressed
hallucinations vs delusions
- hallucinations: perceptual experience that occurs in the absence of external stimulation
- delusions: beliefs that are contrary to reality
3 types of delusions
- paranoid delusions: belief that other people are plotting to harm them
- grandiose delusions: belief that one holds special power
- somatic delusions: belief that something highly abnormal is happening to their body
negative symptoms
symptoms that are normally found in neurotypicals but not in schizophrenia
dissociative disorders
an individual becomes split off from their core sense of self
dissociative amnesia
inability to recall important personal information
dissociative fugue
individual suddenly wanders away from home, and experiences identity confusion
depersonalization vs derealization
-depersonalixation: detachment from one’s self
- derealization: a sense of detachment from the world
dissociative identity disorder
individual exhibits two or more separate personalities
personality disorders
- an inflexible personality style that differs from the expectations of the culture and causes distress
clusters of personality disorders
- cluster A: paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal
- cluster B: antiscoial, histrionic, narcissistic, borderline
- cluster C: avoidant, dependant, obsessive compulsive
Cluster A
- paranoid
- schizoid
- schizotypal
Clusters B
- antisocial
- histrionic
- narcissistic
- borderline
Clusters C
- avoidant
- dependent
- obsessive compulsive
Neurodevelopmental disorders
- involve developmental problems in personal, social, academic, and intellectual functioning
- Austism spectrum disorder
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- constant pattern of inattention or hyperactive and impulsive behavior that interferes with normal functioning
Autism spectrum disorder
deficits in social interaction, deficits in communication, repetitive patterns of behavior or interests