Chpt. 14 study guide Flashcards
a process where an individual responds to events he sees as overwhelming or threatening
stimulus-based vs response-based definitions
stimulus-based- stress is a threatening situation that causes certain responses
response-based- focuses on the physical stress responses that are a response to threatening situations
Cognitive appraisals
primary- judgement about the degree of potential harm that a stressor might entail
secondary- judgment of the options available to cope with a stressor, and how effective they will be
Eustress vs distress
Eustress- positive stress that motivates us to do things
distress- negative stress that causes people to feel burned out
3 types of stress responses
- physiological: heart rate
- cognitive: difficulty concentrating
- behavioral: drinking
Fight-or-Flight response
- identified by Walter cannon
- physical reactions that occur when an individual encounters a threat
- happens because of the sympathetic nervous system and endocrine system
general adaptation syndrome
-researched by Hans Selye
- nonspecific physiological response to stress
- prolonged exposure to stressors causes adrenal enlargement, thymus and lymph node shrinkage, and stomach ulcerations
stages of general adaptation syndrome
- alarm reaction: body’s immediate reaction to an emergency
- stage of resistance: body adapted to the stressor but remains alert
- stage of exhaustion: body can no longer adapt to the stressor and physical wear occurs on the body
sympathetic nervous system
triggers arousal with the release of adrenaline in response to a stressor
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
- stress
- hypothalamus releases corticotropin
- pituitary releases ACTH
- ACTH activates adrenal glands
- Adrenal glands release hormones
Social readjustment rating scale
a scale consisting of 43 life events that require personal readjustment
psychophysiological disorders
physical disorders that symptoms are worsened by stress
field that studies how psychological factors influence the immune system
negative affectivity
tendency to experience distressed emotional states
type a vs b personality
- developed by Friedman and Rosenman
- type a’s tend to be extremely competitive, impatient, and hostile towards others
- type b’s tend to be relaxed and laid back
Problem-focused vs Emotion-focused coping
problem-focused- individual manages the problem that is causing them to experience stress
emotion-focused- individual reduces the negative emotions associated with stress
Perceived control
our belief about our personal ability to influence outcomes
Learned helplessness
an acquired belief that now is powerless in any situation
How are negative events explained
- internal vs external
- global vs specific
- stable vs unstable
Positive psychology
the science of happiness
Positive affect
pleasurable engagement with the environment like joy, enthusiasm, and alertness
an experience that is so engaging that it becomes worth doing for its own sake