Chpt. 12 study guide Flashcards
social psychology
deals with interactions between people
intrapersonal vs interpersonal
- intrapersonal topics include emotions, attitudes, the self, and social cognition
- interpersonal topics include helping behaviors, aggression, prejudice, discrimination, attraction, and group processes
the view that our behavior and actions are determined by our immediate environment and surroundings
the view that our behavior is determined by internal factors
fundamental attribution error
emphasizing internal factors as explanations for the behavior of others,
which causes you to underestimate the power of the situation
actor-observer bias
emphasizing internal factors as the explanation for other people’s behaviors and our own behaviors are due to situational forces
self-serving bias
tendency to make internal (dispositional) excuses for positive outcomes but external (situational) excuses for negative outcomes.
3 reasons for attribution
- locus of control- internal vs. external
- stability- are the circumstances changeable
- controllability- which circumstances can be controlled
Just-world hypothesis
belief that people get the outcomes they deserve
social role vs social norm vs script
- social role is a pattern of behavior that’s expected of a person in a given setting or group
-social norm is a group’s expectation of what is appropriate and acceptable behavior
- script is a person’s knowledge about the sequence of events expected in a specific setting
our evaluation of a person, an idea, or an object
3 components of attitude
- affective: feelings
- behavioral: the effect of attitude on behavior
- cognitive: belief and knowledge
cognitive dissonance
psychological discomfort arising from holding two or more inconsistent, attitudes, behaviors, or cognition
effects of initiation
justification of effort has a distinct effect on a person liking a group, difficult initiation into a group influence us to like the group more
process of changing our attitudes toward something based on some kind of communication
elaboration likelihood model
states that persuasion takes either the central path or the peripheral path, and the durability of the end result depends on the path
central vs peripheral route
- central employs direct, messages that produce a long standing agreement
- peripheral relies on superficial cues that have little to do with logic common sales technique
Foot-in-the-door technique
persuader gets a person to agree to a small favor only to alter request a larger favor
asch effect
the influence of the group majority on an individual’s judgment
normative social influence vs informational social influence
- normative influence is when people conform to the group norm to fit in
-information influence is when people conform because they think the group has the correct information
the change of an individual’s behavior to comply with a demand by an authority figure
group think
modifying group members opinions to align with the groups consensus
Group polarization
the original group view becomes stronger after other group views are discussed
social facilitation
occurs when an individual performs better when an audience is watching
social loafing
when a person works less hard when working together with a group
prejudice vs. discrimination vs. stereotype
-prejudice is a negative ATTITUDE towards an individual because of their membership in a social group
- discrimination is a negative ACTION towards an individual because of their membership in a social group
- stereotype is a specific belief about individuals based solely on their membership in a group
self-fulfilling prophecy
an expectation held by a person that alters his or her behavior in a way that tends to make it true
confirmation bias
seek out information that supports our idea but ignore information that disproves our idea
in-group bias
prejudice and discrimination because the out-group is perceived as different and is less preferred
the act of blaming an out-group when the in-group experiences frustration
hostile aggression vs instrumental aggression
-hostile aggression has the intent to cause pain
- instrumental aggression is motivated by achieving a goal and doesn’t always involve pain
diffusion of responsibility
tendency for no one in a group to help because the responsibility is spread throughout the group
prosocial behavior vs altruism vs empathy
- prosocial is voluntary behavior with the intent to help other people
- altruism is people’s desire to help other even if the costs outweigh the benefits of helping
- empathy is the capacity to understand another person’s perspective
matching hypothesis
equally attractive people end up together
intimacy vs passion vs commitment
- intimacy is the sharing of details and intimate thoughts and emotions
- passion is physical attraction
- commitment is standing by the person