Chpater 12 #16-30 Flashcards
Primary forests
Natural forestry uncut by people.
Resource management
The practice of harvesting potentially renewable resources in ways that do not deplete them
Second growth
Trees that have sprouted and growth in partial maturity after old-growth timber has been cut
Prescribed burns
The practice of burning areas of forest or grassland under carefully controlled conditions to improve the health of ecosystems.
Salvage logging
Cause severe erosion and soil damage. The removal of deed trees following a natural disturbance
Timber harvesting approach that leaves small numbers of mature and vigorous seed-producing trees standing so that they can reseed a logged area
Timber harvesting approach that leaves small numbers of mature trees in place to provide shelter for seedlings as they grow
SLOSS dilemma
The debate over whether it is better to make reserves large in size and few in number or many in number but small in size
Sustainable forestry certification
A form if evils long that identifies timber products that have been produced using sustainable methods
Transboundary park
A reserve of protected land that overlaps national borders
Wilderness areas
Federal land that is designated off-limits to development of any kind but is open to public recreation, such as hiking, nature study, and other activities that have minimal impact on the land
Wise-use movement
A public land, a loose confederation of individuals and groups that coalesced in the 1980s and 1890s
World heritage site
A location internationally designated by the un for its cultural or natural value. There are over 1830 such sites worldwide
New forestry
A set of ecosystems-based management approaches for harvesting timber that explicitly mimic natural disturbances