CHP 5 - Memory Errors Flashcards
Forgetting to do things is which type of memory sin?
The inability to retrieve information due to interference is a type of which memory sin?
What are the three sins of omission?
Transcience, Absentmindedness, and Blocking
Which memory sin is known for tip of the tongue?
Which memory is known for forgetting over time?
Which psychologist discovered the sin of memory transience?
Hermann Von Ebbinghaus
The forgetting curve explains which memory sin?
The sins of omission primarily focus on what?
Failure to retrieve information, inability to take action when we should
PTSD is an example of which memory sin?
What are three sins of comission?
Misattribution, Suggestibility, Bias
The sins of commission primarily focus on what?
Distorted/influenced information retrieved, taking action when we should not
Which sin of memory involves a retrospective distortion which influences acquisition of new information?
This type of memory sin involves information provided by others which then gets incorporated into own memory
This type of memory sin involves the assigning a memory to the wrong source
Does memory accurately record the events we experienced?
No, memory is a reconstructive process
Define Schema
A knowledge structure that allows us to interpret and understand the world we live in
Which individuals showed that schemas can enhance both comprehension and recall?
Brandford and Johnson
Federick Bartlett concluded the memory is?
A stored framework or body of knowledge about some topic, making sense of situations using previously acquired knowledge
Chess players use schemas as a method of ?
A paradigm used to examine false memory. Involves presenting associated words which induce false recall or recognition of non presented words.
For example tired, bed, nap.
false retrieval of word sleep.
DRM effect, Deese-Roedifer Mcdermott effect
When does DRM effect increase?
Faster presentation rate, Auditory vs visual presentation, and Age
DRM effect is which type of error?
Source monitoring error - Misattribution ; unaware of which word was actually studied vs. simply though of
The DRM effect would increase or decrease if presentation was given visually?
DRM effect causes a spreading activation of _________ memory
Which individuals focused on how question were framed/asked and the responses of participants?
Loftus and Palmer
Loftus and Palmer studies can also explain which memory sin?
What were the results of Loftus and Palmers expirement?
Participants gave a higher speed estimate when verb in question implies greater impact
When memory is of an event is weak, it is more susceptible to?
Can false memory have long lasting effects?
Yes, Geraerts study, shows individuals no longer liked certain foods when receiving false feedback on earlier childhood experiences
Define Misinformation Effect
Individuals are most likely to remember misinformation rather than the originally encoded information
Misinformation effect is an example of which memory sin?
Can the mind be manipulated in such that outside sources can implement memories that never occured before?
Who studied the phenomenon of false memory?
Loftus, Elizabeth
Intentional forgetfulness of a painful or traumatic experience
Type I and Type II errors have what type of relationship?
Inverse; as one increases the other decreases
What error type of is worse in the justice system?
Type I error; innocent going to jail
Regarding COVID, what type of error when testing was worse?
Type II error; Individuals testing negative when in reality they were positive
Missing or giving a false negative is an example of which type of error?
Type II
A false positive is an example of which type of error?
Type I
Define Simultaneous Lineup
All suspects presented at the same time
Define Sequential Lineup
Subjects presented at separate times; one at a time
What are the cons and pros of sequential lineups?
Decreases Type I error (false alarm); Increases Type II error (missed positive)
In sequential lineups what type of judgement strategy is used?
Absolute - since individuals do not know how many suspects are left
In simultaneous lineup what type of judgement strategy is used?
Why should authorities use a double blind procedure when presenting suspects?
To decrease suggestibility or influence
Why are cognitive interview techniques beneficial?
they enhance veridical memory and decrease false memory
What are the four cognitive interview techniques that can be used?
Contextual Reinstatement, Report everything, Recall from a change of perspective, recall from reverse order
The penny experiment was conducted by which individuals?
Nickerson and Adams
Nickerson’s and Adams Penny experiment concluded that?
Information that is NOT strongly encoded into memory with attention will NOT be accurate
Judgements of learning are inaccurate when people base their decision on _________ rather than __________ cues.
Extrinsic (learning conditions/ learning strategy); Intrinsic (Difficulty of the to be learned item)
Rhodes and Castel conducted experiments that tested on?
Judgement of learning
People were more or less confident of their ability to remember words when presented in a large font
Which individuals conducted this experiment?
More confident; Rhodes & Castel
When individuals are asked about their ability to remember words immediately after being exposed to them, their judgement of learning is inflated or accurate?
Inflated; participants are more confident in their ability to remember
When individuals are asked about their ability to remember words with a delay after being exposed to them, their judgement of learning is inflated or accurate?
More accurate
Which individuals showed that a delay JOL resulted in a more accurate representation of retention?
Nelson & Dunlosky
In Roediger and Karpicke study, regarding JOL, which study group performed best after a week?
TTT; group that had to actively recall the set of words three times
In Roediger and Karpicke study, regarding JOL, which study group performed worst after a week?
SSS; the group that only studied the set of words three times with no test given
In Roediger and Karpicke study, regarding JOL, rank the confidence levels from most to least the groups had? What were the results immediately after? what were the results after a week?
Confidence Level: SSS > SST > TTT
Results immediately after: SSS > SST > TTT
Results after 1 week: TTT > SST > SSS
In Roediger and Karpicke study, regarding JOL, they concluded that repeated study leads to overconfidence or under confidence in future memory performance?
Why do individuals have better memory of their life between the ages of 15-20? Known as the reminiscence bump
More first time events, or memorable events occur around that age
Autobiographical memory comes with the development of?
Sense of self, Language development, and neurological development
Freud believed that the inability to remember life events that occur before the age of 5 was due to?
Psychological repression
What is the loss of memory or memory abilities caused by brain damage or disease?
The loss of memory for events BEFORE a brain injury
The disruption of memory for events occurring AFTER brain injury; inability to acquire new long term memories
Anterograde amnesia
Patient H.M suffered from epilepsy and his hippocampus was removed he had severe anterograde amnesia but _____________ memory was normal
Procedural (Implicit)
Word Fragment Completion tests are test on which type of memory?
Priming – implicit memory
Free recall test , test on which type of memory?
Episodic – Explicit memory
Patient H.M would test best with yes/ no recognition or word stem completion?
Word stem completion
Which individuals studied the dissociations between episodic and implicit memory on amnesiacs?
Warrington & Weiskrantz