CHP 1 - Introduction to Cog Psy Flashcards
Consists of individuals and their contributions towards what we know now as cognitive psychology. Different types of studies that can be conducted with their strengths and weaknesses.
Who criticized cognitive psychologist for their lack of ecological validity?
Ulcer Neisser
An experiment with high environmental validity indicates?
The experiment can be applied to real life/world setting
Who established the first laboratory for psychology experiments?
Wilhelm Wundt
What type of psychology used self observation of one’s consciousness to gain insight on how our minds work?
Structuralism uses __________ as a data collecting technique
What were the issues with the introspective technique?
Too subjective, did not produce the same results throughout individuals due to everyone experiencing the world differently – low replicability. no interrater ability
What subtype psychology states that behavior is developed based on the demands of the environment? Who developed this?
Functionalism; William James
Which behavioralist stated that behaviors are __________ through interaction with the ___________.
John Watson; learned ; envirnment
Tolman and Honzik’s proved that __________ was not necessary for learning to occur
Who developed operant conditioning ?
B.F Skinner
What type of psychologist treated the mind as a blank state (tabula rasa)?
What led to the rejection of behavioralism? Who led this movement?
Chomsky; latent learning does not require reinforcement.
Which experiment/task provided evidence that we process info through parallel processing?
Lexial Decision Task
In a correlational study the predictor is known as the ________ _________ and the criterion is known as the _________ __________.
Independent variable; dependent variable
What are the cons of within subject design?
Carry over/ Practice effects – subjects begin to learn how to perform better or what to expect due to repetition
What type of correlation is the following example? As ice cream sells increase crime increases
Positive correlation
Which correlation is stronger (-.8) or (+.5)?
The + and - signs of a correlation indicates strength or direction?
What are the minimum two levels in an experimental study?
1) control group
2) experimented group
Who developed a maze trial showing that reinforcement was not necessary for learning to occur?
Edward Tolman and Honzik’s
Which psychologist conducted the little albert study to make albert fearful of white rats? what type of conditioning is this?
John Watson; classical conditioning
What did three processes did subjects have to look within themselves for introspection?
Sensation; Perception; Attention
What are the benefits of random assignment?
high internal validity = ability to attribute casaulity
Cognitive Psychologist are mainly interested in the _______ and ________.
Input (stimulus); output (response)