CHP. 14 - Intelligence Flashcards
Intelligence quotient (IQ)
ratio between someone’s “mental age” and chronological age
* becomes a less useful metric as we age, works ok for kids
originally made for kids -> perverted test’s original intentions
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)
dsigned to measure intelligence & cognitive ability in adults & older adolescents
* school psychology
* psychometrics
Linguistic confounds
- linguistic learning disabilities or processing challenges
- taking a test in a foreign/unfamiliar language
ex. dyslexia, ESL (can still be highly intelligent)
Raven’s Progressive Matricies
non-verbal intelligence test not dependent on culture
Predictive validity
if a test measures what it should measure, then the score on that test should predict how well a preson scores on a related measure
ex. IQ score & GPA should be correlated
But it doesn’t always work that way!
General intelligence (g)
a capacity that provides an advantage on virtually any mental task
Factor analysis
procedure that looks for common factors
* confirms general intelligence factor shared by all intelligence subtests
representing intelligence with a single number (ex. IQ) may be a crude summary of one’s intellectual skills
Hierarchical model of intelligence
moderately strong correlations among all IQ subtests
* stronger correlations among subtests within the same category
model with (g) -> linguistic, numerical, & spatial ability -> specialized abilities
Fluid intelligence
ability to deal with novel problems (problem-solving)
* peaks in early adulthood, declines as we age
ex. solving a maze
water is “fluid” = problem-solving
Crystallized intelligence
acquired knowledge
* increases with age
ex. trivia
Inspection time
time one needs to make a discrimination between 2 stimuli
* (-) correlation between response time & intelligence scores
* support for intelligence being based on processing speed
some people have faster processing times
Intelligence & executive control
intelligence tests may eb measuring executive function vs. intellectual capabilities
* people with larger working memory capacitites do better on tests designed to measure g
Sternberg’s Triarchic Model
- creative intelligence
- analytical intelligence
- practical intelligence
capacity for critically assessing info as it is gathered in a natural environment
* willingness to consider contrary evidence
* tendency to “calibrate” strength of belief to strength of evidence
Emotional intelligence
refers to the ability to:
* understand one’s own emotions
* understand others’ emotions
* control one’s emotions when appropriate