CHP. 12 - Judgement & Reasoning Flashcards
process through which people draw conclusions from the evidence they encounter
starts with frequency estimates - what are the chances it happens again?
Damage to orbitofrontal cortex = ?
problems with decision-making!
* don’t respond to choices with emotion
Availability heuristic
relying on availabilty as a substitute for frequency
* ease with which examples come to mind
* a form of attribute substitution
ex. people over-estimate # of shark attacks
Representiveness heuristic
relying on resemblence instead of probability
ex. assume someone dressed strangely is a poet rather than an accountant
Range of availability effects
Hint: think of examples
people tend to overestimate the frequency of rare events
* ex. doctors overestimate the likelihood of rare diseases (“think horses, not zebras”)
other ex. not showering during a thunderstorm
Gambler’s fallacy
predicting a random event based on previous random events
ex. coin toss
Affect heuristic
relying upon positive/negative emotions to quickly solve a problem
ex. debating whether to use roller skates or a bike
Anchoring effect
tendency to rely on an initial piece of info when making judgements
ex. fake “deals” (hiked up price “marked down” to MSRP)
X & Y “covary” if the presence of X can be preducted by the presence of Y
Confirmation bias
tendency to be more alert to evidence that confirms one’s beliefs than those that challenge them
Base-rate info
info about how frequently something generally occurs
Diagnostic info
Does an individual case belong to a category?
Base rate fallacy
when people underemphasize/ignore the base rates of an event to favor specific, individualizing info
ex. engineer and lawyer question
Type 1 thinking
fast & automatic thinking
* reliance on heuristics (vibes)
time pressure
Type 2 thinking
slower, effortful thinking
* more likely to be correct
* more detailed
use for important decisions -> big consequences