Childhood Flashcards
What does Pilcher believe about childhood
Modern western notion of childhood
The most important feature of the modern idea of childhood is separateness. Childhood is seen as a clear and distinct life stage, and children in our society occupy a separate status from adults
What is childhood seen as
“Golden stage” of happiness abs innocence. Children are seen as vulnerable and need protection
What does Benedict argue about childhood
Benedict argues that children in simpler, non industrial societies are treated differently in three ways:
- take responsibility at an early age
- less value is place in children showing obedience to adult authority
- children’s sexual behaviour is often viewed differently
What does Benedict idea of the cross cultural differences in childhood highlight
The idea is illustrated that childhood is not a fixed thing found universally in the same form in all societies but is socially constructed and so differs from culture to culture
What does Aries argue a our childhood in the Middle Ages
Aries argues that in the Middle Ages “the idea of childhood” did not exist.
Children began to work from an early age.
Mini adults with the same rights, duties and skills of adults. ( children served the same punishments)
What does shorter argue high death rates encouraged
High death rates encourages neglect, especially towards infants, parental attitudes were different- parents have babies the same names as a dead sibling or were referred to as it
When does Aries believe childhood started to occur
Childhood gradually emerged from the 13th century onwards; schools educated purely the young, distinction between adults and children’s clothing, the church saw children as fragile creatures of God
What does pollock suggest about the Middle Ages
Argues that it is more correct to say that in the Middle Ages, society simply had a different notion to childhood from today’s
A03 of Aries theory of childhood
Childhood did exist
It was just different from today’s notion
What are the reasons for the changes in the position of children
Laws and policies apply specifically to children, for example smoking and drinking
Compulsory schooling introduced in 1880 and raising of school leaving has
Child protection and welfare legislation such as 1889 prevention of cruelty to children’s act
Why does postman suggest about childhood children
Childhood is disappearing at a “dazzling speed” e.g. giving children the same rights as adults, less supervision- children committing crimes
What does postman suggest about information hierarchy
Childhood emerged with math literacy as children couldn’t read and remained innocent. Tv made information accessible to children, lost innocence
AO3 to postmans information hierarchy
Over emphasises tv may be other factors
What do Aries and shorter suggest about childhood
March of progress view. They are the today’s children are more valued, better cared, protected and education, enjoy better health and have more rights than those of previous generations
What does Jenner suggest suggest about childhood
Childhood is not disappearing but changing. Post modern society is less stable e.g. divorce. Adults thus become more protective over children
A03 of Jenkins view of children in postmodernity
Over generalises that looks children are in the same situation
How are children protected
Children today are protected from harm and exploitation by laws against child abuse and child labour
What do March of progress sociologists argue about child-cent redness
The family has become more child-centred- children are now the focal part of the family, consulted on many decisions
What does Palmer suggest about childhood
Children in the uk are experiencing “toxic childhood”. Technology and cultural changes have damaged children’s development. Changes such as junk food
Uk has above average rates for obesity and teen pregnancies
Conflict sociologists (Marxist and feminists) criticising the March of progress view of modern childhood
Argue the view of childhood is based on a false and idealised image that ignores important inequalities
Criticise on two grounds:
- There are inequalities among children in terms of the opportunities- many today remain unprotected and uncared for
- The inequalities between children and adults are greater than ever: children today experience greater control, oppression and dependency not greater care and protection
Uses the term age patriarchy to describe inequalities between adults and children. Age patriarchy of adult domination and child dependency