Chemical Content Flashcards
Anything that takes up space and has mass
Cannot be broken down into annother substance by a chemical reaction
92 in nature
A substance consisting of two or more elements combined together in a fixed ratio
Essential Elements
A living organism needs these to live a healthy life and reproduce
Trace Elements
Only minute amounts are required for living things
The smallest unit of matter that still retains the properties of an element
Subatomic particles
Protons (+)
Neutrons (neutral)
Atomic Nucleus
Where the protons and neutrons are packed in the center of the atom, positivly charged.
Atomic Number
The number of protons in an element
Mass Number
The sum of the protons and neutrons in the element
Atomic Mass
An approximation of the total mass of an element
Different atomic forms of the same element
Ratioactive Isotope
Nucleus decays spontaniously giving off energy particles. When the portons decay the element changes to another element
Valence shell
Outermost electron shell
Valence Electron
Electrons in the outermost shell
The 3D space an electron is found 90% of the time
Chemical Bonds
Atoms bind together by sharing or transfering valence electrons
Covalent Bond
Sharing of a pair of valence electrons by two atoms
Two or more atoms held together by covalent bonds
Single Bond
A pair of shared valence electrons
Double bound
Two pairs of valence electrons
The number of electrons an atom needs to complete its outer most vallance
The attraction of a particulat atom for its electrons
Nonpolar Covalent Bond
When two atoms have the same electronegitivity and ther electrons are pulled equally to both atoms
Polar Covalent Bonds
When two atons are bonded that have unequal electronegitivity and the electrons are not shared equally
A charged atom +/- ( or molecule)
Positivly charged++
Negitivly charged -
Ionic Bond
Anions and cations are attracted to eachother because of their opposite charge
Ionic Compounds
Compounds formed by ionic bonds (salts)
Hydrogen Bonds
A noncovalent attraction between a hydrogen and an electronegitive atom. Weak bond
Chemical Reactions
The making and breaking of chemical bonds leading to changes of matter
Chemical equilibrium
The point at which reactions offset eachother exactly