Chapters 1 - 3 Test Flashcards
Body Strores Energy - Molecule ATP
Potential Energy - Sitting on a Cliff
Acidity - H+ Becomes Numerous
H2O - <-> H+ + OH - Both are True
2 Organic Compounds for Life = Proteins and Carbos
To make Polymer - Must use Dehydration Method
Major Carb stored in body - Glycogen
Saturated Fatty Acids - is Saturated with Hydrogen
Building Blocks of Proteins - Is Amino Acid
A length of Amino Acid with no Shape is Primary Structure - No Function
Peptide Bonds - Join Amino Acids
Hemoglobin - Quaterary Structure
4 Stages of Structure - Tertiary - is First Functional Structure
All Amino Acids have Different “R” groups
Unsaturated Fatty Acids are Liquid at Room Temp
Metaphase aligned Chromatids in a plane
Def of Anatomy - Study of Structure
Example: Neurons
Cytology - Study of Cells with Microscope,
Single most Independent Form of Life - Cell
Responsiveness - Organism’s response to change
Movement - For an organism - Internal or External
Growth and Differentiation - Cause Organism to become Bigger and More Organized
Integument Sys, first defense against Pathogens, Separates from Environment
Nervous Syst - Deals with Direct Stimulus
Endocrine Syst - Hormones
Muscular Syst - Support movement and Heat control
Lymphatic syst - Absorbs water from tissues to prevent edema
Digestive Syst - Absorbs Nutrients and Process’s food
Urinary Syst - Removes Waste
Respiratory Syst. - Gas Exchange
Two Classes of Cells - Somatic and Sex Cells
2 Main LIpids Found in Plasmalimma - Cholesterol and Phospholipids
Centroles - 9 + 0 Arrangement, Microtubules, Found in Animal Cells
Found in Pairs, Except Cell Division (D - All the Above)
Hollow Tubes in Cytoskeleton - Strength, Anchor, Orgonelle
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum - Is cite for Protein Synth
Lysosomes - Contain Digestive Enzymes
Continuous Movement + Exchange of Membrane Sections Called
Membrane Flow
Which is NOT a function of Microtubules - Form Mitotic Spindles
Cytoplasm and Cytosol - Do not contain High Concentration of Soluble and Insoluable Carbs
False statement of Cytoskeleton: Keratin Filaments of Skin Cells are
Intermediate Filaments
False statement Chromosome Structure: The Nuclei Contain Genetic Info for building Ribosomal RNA
Process Resulting in the Assembly of a Functional Protein From mRNA - Translation
The Process for messenger RNA is formed from DNA - Transcription
What Kind of Ribosomes Can be found attached to the Endoplasmic Reticulum - Fixed Ribosomes
Metabolism - Chemical Change in The Body
TCA Cycle - A) Is Aerobic, b) Important to ATP, 3) Occurs inside Mitochondria