Chapter 2 Chemical Level of Organization Flashcards
The Atom is a Basic Particle ____ Matter
Atom has equal number of Protons ____ Electrons
Electrons Occupy ________ Electron Shell
Subatomic Particles _____ the smallest basic form
Atoms with Same Element that contain Diff number of neutrons _______ Isotopes
Mass _________ Total weight of Protons and Neutrons Electrons
Decay of a Radioisotope ________ Half Life
The Atomic Weight ____ Number of Protons & Neurons and Electrons
There ______ up to 8 Energy levels of Electrons
Outer Most Energy Level of a atom ______ the Valence Shell
Valance Unfilled has uneven # of electrons
A Valance is Filled with even number of electrons
Chemical Bond are Formed by Interactions
Non Active Chemical Properties are Inert
Inert Gases have filled Valences
Hydrogen and Lithium have Unfilled Valences
A Chemical Bond is formed by interactions
Molecular Weight is The sum of atomic weight of the component atoms
A group of Atoms with a Electrical Charge is a Ion
A Ionic Bond Created by a Electrical Attraction
Atoms that share Electrons with other Atoms a Covalent Bond
3 Chemical Bonds are Ionic, Covalent and Hydrogen
A Single Covalent Bond Shares 1 pair of Electrons
Double Covalent Bond Shares 2 pair of Electrons
Name a Double Covalent Bond, Carbon Dioxide
Triple Covalent Bonds does contain 2 Neutrons
79% of the Atmosphere is Molecular Nitrogen
H2O is a Covalent Bond
Non Polar Covalent Bond is Very strong
Non Polar Covalent Bond have Shared Electrons
A Non Polar Covalent Bond is lectrically Neutral
A Polar Covalent Bond has more neg charge than pos
Water is the Most Important Polar Molecule
Hydrogen is too weak to create Molecules
Hydrogen bond is the Most Important for life
Neg charge, more electrons than protons, stronger atom takes electrons from weaker atom
3 States of Matter are Liquid, Solid, and Gas
Liquid has a Constant Volume and has no set Shape
Solids keep their Volume and their Shape
Gas has no constant volume and no fixed Shape
Ionic and Covalent are Chemical Bonds
Ionic and Covalent Bonds Share Electrons
Liquid, Solid matter and Gas is a Hydrogen Bond
Hydrogen Bond are Polar Bonds
Polar atoms are stronger atoms
Water is Most Important Polar Molecule
Hydrogen Bond is most important to life. Are solid, liquid and gas polar bonds
hydrogen bonding occurs between water molecules
Energy is Capacity to do work
Kinetic Energy is Energy of motion that can be transferred
Potential Energy is Stored Energy
Potential Energy is converted to Kinetic Energy
Metabolism is Reactants and products
Heat cannot be completely converted __ work
Cells do work to convert energy
Potential Energy converted to Kinetic Energy creates heat
four types of Chemical Reactions are Decomposition, Synthesis, Exchange and Reversible
Decomposition of water is (AB – A+B) Hydrolysis Reaction
Hydrolysis Reaction breaks down molecules by adding water.
Catabolism is the breakdown of complex molecules in the Cell
Catabolism is released energy to perform work for Growth, movement and Reproduction
A Synthesis Reaction is (A+B — AB) the opposite of a Decomposition Reaction
Synthesis Reaction combines smaller molecules into larger molecules (A+B — AB)
Dehydration Synthesis forms Complex Molecules Opposite of Hydrolysis (AH+BOH = AB+H20)
Exchange Reaction is reacting Molecules are shuffle around to Produce New Products
Reversible Reaction is chemical reaction that can go either way (AB—AB)
Molecular Formula (6 carbon, 12 hydorgen, 6 oxygen - C6H12O6
4 Types of Chemical Reaction are Decomposition, Synthesis, Exchange and Reversible
Enzymes catalyze to speed up a reaction
Activation Energy is the amount of energy to start a Reaction
Enzymes Promote Reactions by lowering the required Activation Energy
Enzymes only affect the rate of Reaction
Reversible Chemical Reaction can can go both ways
Synthesis Raction is opposite of Decomposition (A+B – AB)
Organic Compounds contain Carbon
Inorganic Compounds lack Carbon
Nutrients and Metabolites are classes of compounds
Activation Energy is the amount of energy needed to start a reaction
Water is over two thirds of your body weight
Water is a solvent with high heat capacity and acts as a lubricant
Water has Pos and Neg Charged ends
Hydrophilic molecules love water
Hydrophobic molecules fear water
Water is a solvent to solute or dissolve, make a solution
Hydrogen is the PH
Neutral PH is 7, equal amounts , 1:1
Acidic PH is below 7, PH 1:0
Alkaline PH is above 7
7.35 - 7.45 is the normal range of PH
Water is solvent, high heat capacity and is a lube, Neutral PH
Electrolytes, Inorganic Ions, do conduct Electricity
Denaturation Body Temp + PH will effect Enzymes Function
Buffers are Proteins to stabilize PH (antacid - neutralizes), weak acid to control PH
Monomers are a single unit, glucose and fructose
Carbohydrates are Organic molecules that contain Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen
Glucose is the most important Fuel for the body
Monosaccharides are source for immediate energy, Disaccharides are stored energy
Glucose is the most important fuel, ATP is Chem Molecule stores Energy. ADP is converted for Kinetic Energy
Saturated Fatty Acid is a Single Covalent Bond
Unsaturated Fatty Acid is a Double Covalent Bond, MonoSaturated - One DBL Bond, Ploy is more than one dbl bond
Hormones are Chemical Messengers that effect distant parts of the body
Fatty Acids are Hydrophilyic is loves water, contain Carbon, 02 and hydrogen
Triglycerides are a energy Source
Lipids are fatty acids with long carbon chains with Hydrogen
Fat around the Liver will Protect and cushion the Liver
Triglycerides is Glycerol + 3, Fatty Acid, Diglyceride - Gly + 2 FA, Mono is Gly + one
Amino Acids are the most abundant protein Organic Molecule
All Proteins contain Hydrogen, Oxygen and Carbon
Proteins Speed up Reaction, they Catalyze
Proteins are responsible for movement in muscle cells
Proteins bind substances to transport in the Blood
Protein protects against dangerous Changes in the body PH
Proteins can be enzymes to speed up chemical reaction
Proteins can be Hormones that influence organs and organ systems
Proteins are most abundant organic molecule
Protein have Primary, secondary, tertiary and quantirnary structures
Primary Structure is a polypeptide bond, Peptides Are Bonds
Secondary Structure is not a function. Hydrogen atoms
Tertiary Structure gives protein its Shape, First functional structure
Quaternary Structure is a interaction between polypeptide chains, Hemoglobin
Globular Proteins are Most enzymes, hormones and other molecules in the blood
Fibrous Proteins tough insoluble form of structure
Protein Percentage of the Body, 20%
Cofactor __is__ a Ion or Molecule that binds to a enzyme
Coenzymes are Non Protein and Non Organic Molecule
Enzymes work better in specific temps and PH values or levels
GlycoProtein is a combo of small Carbohydrates and Large Protein
Denaturation of Enzymes (temperature) and PH allows enzymes to work better
Dioxyribonucleic Acid is DNA
Ribonucleic Acid is RNA, types - mRNA (messenger, tRNA (transfer), and rRNA (ribosomial)
DNA and RNA control tells body how to make Proteins
DNA and RNA are Nitrogenous, Nucleotides Hydrogen bonds and Holds together
Proteins support Structure
Proteins are responsible for movement in cells
Proteins defend against dangerous changes in PH
Substrates bind to active enzymes and alter shape
ATP is high energy compounds used by cells
suffix “ase” means it’s an enzyme
Hydrogen bonds will make ATP
Nuceliotides are hydrogen bonds
Nucleic Acids RNA and DNA are long chains of nucleotides
Quaternary structure develops when polypeptides form larger molecules. Hemoglobin is Quaternary
Tertiary Structure is coiling and folding of a polypeptide
Acid - Proton Donor adds Hydrogen Ion, Base - Proton Acceptor - Removes Hydrogen Ions
Salt - Solute that Dissociates into Cations and Anions