Chapter7 Flashcards
Whatever form of corrective action is chosen for a specific incidence of misconduct, the first line supervisor must be closely associated with it. If the line supervisor is to retain his authority, as well as his reputation as on who can help , he must be able to
Recommend formal corrective action to higher authority
Behavioral psychologist have know for a long time that in order to be effective reward/ punishment must be__
Pg 139
Sure and immediate enough for the person being rewarded or punished to connect to his actions with the results
For discipline to be perceived as fair and just, the supervisors attitude must be ___ pg 141
Devoid of anger and strong emotion
Discipline as it pertains to police work might be defined as __ in the police employee pg 132
Training and preparation to help develop self control, sound character and job efficiency
A comparative discipline simply means that ___ pg 141
Identical or similar infraction earn identical or similar penalties
If there can be anything resembling a general rule of thumb regarding the supervisor’s attitude in administering corrective action, it might be this. Before confronting an employee
who is to be corrected through counseling, verbal reprimand, or formal administrative penalty, the police supervisor must: pg 142
Analyze his own emotions and motives to be certain that neither anger nor revenge nor a desire to put down an employee are among his motives for acting
A note of caution for the supervisor confronting the effects of what he suspects to be alcoholism displayed by one of his employees: drug and alcohol addiction are covered under the provisions of pg 136
Americans with disabilities act
When a supervisor has to discipline, what is one thing he should avoid pg 143-144
Trying to “sell” the corrective action
Most people (police supervisors included) tend to view the term discipline in the same category with such words as ___ pg 132
Discipline entails much more than involves correction and allows for a _____ in behavior pg 132
Beneficial change
The ______ does a job properly because he knows that it’s the right thing to do, not because/ he’s fearful of being punished for failure to perform properly. Pg 132
disciplined police officer
The corrective action selected must fit the known totality of ____ pg 134
Too harsh a corrective response may ______the employee and destroy the morale of his coworkers pg 135
(Too lenient or laissez-faire a response may create the impression among officers and supervisors alike that improper conduct will be overlooked and _____pg 135
The good supervisor will, over a period of time, develop and expand upon his ability, to separate extenuating circumstances and justifiable deviations as things apart from self serving excuses and the out right ______pg 140
Corrective action should be delayed until the supervisor can be alone with the employee in a setting offering adequate quiet and ____ for 140
____It means simply that identical or similar infractions earn identical” or
similar penalties. Pg 141
comparative discipline
The phrase________ also comes into play here. It requires that more severe penalties are imposed for repeated improper actions on the part of the employee. Pg 141 and 148
___ assures that discipline increases in severity for repeated incidents of misconduct
progressive discipline
The final prerequisite of effective disciplinary action is that it be recognized as_____ by the person receiving it. This is often the hardest part pg 143
fair and proper
When executing corrective action of any sort the supervisor should adhere to some basic commandments ___ pg 144-145
Have the Necessary Information and Know the Full Story.
Have the Required Official Support Before Taking Corrective Action.
‘Remember to Praise the Good Points,
Massive Doses of Authority Should Be Avoided Whenever
Try for agreement from the employee
The _____who has mastered the skill of displaying self-composure, self-assuredness, and overall command presence does not have to tell his people that he is the boss-it shows in his mannerisms, actions, and moderate 145
The immediate or primary supervisor has much to offer the correctional process. Having him thoroughly involved in it can accomplish a number of things: pg 146-147
Correction is personalized for the employee
Corrections is appropriate
Correction is timely
Participation in correction strengthens the supervisor
When dealing with an issue as alcoholism with a subordinate, the time to act is when ___
The supervisor has sufficient information from his own observation that such a problem exist
Corrective action, in order to be most efficient, must be something else in addition to being timely, fair, sound, privately administered, devoid of anger or spite, consistent and followed-up. To help assure fairness, it also must be:
The police supervisor’s job as an evaluator is obviously a multifaceted one. He must be a keen observer, a fair and accurate reporter, and a patient and tactful leader.