Chapter 14 Flashcards
Community policing is its true form only exist where community or some element of it, in addition to the police, does the following __ pg 271
Participates in the problem identification, analysis and solutions process
In many cases, community policing officers follow a problem resolution formula in carrying out a given task. First they attempt to identify the problem or series of problems by breaking the situation down into its component parts. Next they try to ____ and then _____ pg 271
Next they try to identify the actors involved. either as suspects, victims, or others touched by the situation.
Then they solicit information and possible solutions from all those involved.
Advocates for community policing are in general agreement about something else. They note that it is the _____ who most often determines whether or not community policing will succeed.
The first line supervisor
To supervise effectively In an agency practicing community policing , a supervisor must be able to ____pg 275-276
Shift his attention away from numbers only and too rigid rules and focus as well on his peoples knowledge of their area, their citizens and the problems to be found there
To work best, community policing must be ___ pg 273
An agency wide mindset or way of doing things that is practiced by patrol officers , detectives and support personnel
Supervising effectively in a law enforcement agency that has switched to community policing may require that the supervisor: pg 274
Modify somewhat the rigid controls that have long characterized the quasi military way of directing and controlling subordinates
Experts on community policing emphasizes that ideas and efforts must originate with _____ to work best pg 274
Line level officers and first line supervisors
First of all, it should be emphasized that community policing is a philosophy or mindset for an entire law enforcement operation or organization. It is usually not a separate and distinct, specialized police unit pg 270-271
Done correctly, community policing is not antisupervision or “no accountability” oriented, either. Officers involved in community policing require the wise counsel of an interested and intelligent supervisor at least as much as do their traditional policing peers. These officers still need advice, support, training, discipline, and evaluation from a boss who knows the ropes. But often they work best when some of these things are delivered in a slightly modified way.
Community policing will force the traditional system supervisor to make some changes in what he monitors as well as in what he ____ in a subordinate. Pg 275
The supervisor who really understands how community policing works realizes that the best ideas for solutions most often come from the _______ pg 276
Come from bottom up, not the other way around
Experience has shown that the most effective ____ supervisors welcome a novel approach to an old problem and are not quick to criticize a subordinate’s proposed solution, however impractical or bizarre it may appear at first glance. Pg 277
Community police
Community policing does not weaken supervision. It merely _____ some of its focus of pg 278
Community policing is not ____ pg 271
Is not police social work
First of all, it should be emphasized that community policing is a philosophy or mindset for an entire law enforcement operation or organization. It is usually not a separate and distinct, specialized police unit
To work best, community policing must be an agency-wide mindset or way of doing things that is practiced by patrol officers, detectives, and support personnel alike. 273
Uniformed officers are critical to the success of community policing and must be afforded the opportunity to participate regardless of where in the jurisdiction or the time of day that they work.
Community policing is an all-hands operation. Pg 273
Done correctly, community policing is not antisupervision or “no accountability” oriented, either. Officers involved in community policing require the wise counsel of an interested and intelligent supervisor at least as much as do their traditional policing peers.
Community policing is not, for example, intended to be a _____
Public relations trick
Better police-community relations may, in fact, result from _____
result from improved police service.
Appearances are not the reason for going to community policing _____
Increased police effectiveness and efficiency is.
Productivity numbers are often not highly regarded as measures of officer success or failure.
Quantity of enforcement will be considered along with other parts of an officer’s work.
“Doing community policing here means you have an increased sense of trust from your sergeant,” says one experienced patrol officer working on a problem on his beat. “She’ll still pull my leash if I get out of line. But the leash has gotten a lot longer so I can go out and do what I need to do to fix the problem. It works for me.”
The supervisor who really understands how community policing works realizes that the best ideas for solutions most often come from the bottom up, not the other way around.
As might be expected, officers granted authority by their supervisors to use discretion and flexibility in their problem solving appear to be the most successful as community policing practitioners.
Community policing allows its practitioners to learn from their failures without penalty.
The most successful community policing practitioners appear to be those who ____ 277
Are granted by their supervisors to use discretion and flexibility in their problem solving
Experience has shown that the most effective community policing supervisors: 277
A. expect and generally get compliance with rules and ethics accompanying good police work.
B. are more concerned with solving problems with the community’s help than they are with production numbers.
C. allow subordinates to fail successfully by learning from experience without major repercussions.
Supervision in a police agency practicing true community policing requires a _____with the traditional style of law enforcement supervision.
Partial break
Community policing does not do away with 911 responses or reactive modes of policing;
It complements them
In its purest form, community-oriented policing calls for real partnerships with the consumers of law enforcement services.
What is another term for personal courage
Administrative courage