Chapter 10 Flashcards
Detecting the existence of a problem is the first step towards resolving it. Determining the nature of the problem should be the next logical step towards a solution. The Supervisor’s most reliable ally in this effort is: pg 189
A direct and forthright approach to the troubled employee
The police supervisors cardinal rule in his or her dealings with a subordinate of the opposite sex should be ___ pg 199
Equality in all things
The relationship between the counselor and counselee should be one of: ph 197
mutual honesty and frankness
The leader skilled in the application of common sense knows that he often must proceed to address the difficulty, whether the employee admits its existence or not. The supervisor will: Cite the evidence establishing the existence of the problem; Express a sincere desire to help; and then: pg 190
Communicate a clear indication of the change he expects to see occur
The supervisor/counselor recalls and utilizes what he learned as a
fair and effective disciplinarian: one does not criticize or attack an
individual; one criticizes, in a constructive manner, that individual’s
behavior or actions.
___ are cited as the keys to any successful attempt at solving difficulties, whether personal or professional in nature pg 197
Openness and truthfulness
Law enforcement supervisors and managers have come to see the practical value of mentoring in___
Actively preparing a subordinate to assume greater responsibilities
Employee counseling is one way in which the supervisor works to ease the extra burdens placed on his people by the strains of work demands or personal crises. Pg 184
Among his duties, the police supervisor is assigned the task of helping his employees to recognize and fulfill their potential as professionals in a difficult field of endeavor. One way in which the supervisor carries out this obligation is ____ pg 184
through providing a patient ear and an alert eye for detecting problems and addressing them with the concerned employee before they get out of hand
Although bureaucratic intrigue and political infighting are by no means the exclusive properties of law enforcement agencies, the honest and intelligent police employee may find the detrimental effects resulting from such maneuverings to be particularly distasteful and frustrating. Pg 186
Situational factors that can affect all working people regardless of their trade can wreak havoc with police personnel, as well. Organizational changes in staffing levels or policy can cause uncertainty and distress. Pg 187
Familiarity is comfortable; change can breed uncertainty and worry, whether warranted or not. Security is important to just about everyone, and the police worker is no exception to this. Pg 187
Some of the most readily apparent changes in the troubled employee may be actual alterations in physical appearance. Pg 187
Personality or mood changes are perhaps even more important than physical appearance as indicators of problems inside.
A previously devoted employee now taking up more and more company time with personal errands and private business may be displaying indications of a serious problem. Pg 188
The alert supervisor also should be on the watch for the normally well-accepted employee who is, without apparent reason, now being avoided by his peers. Pg 188
There are still other techniques of proven usefulness for interviewing the distressed employee. First of all, it is vital for the supervisor to remember that an overly formal approach can create communication difficulties at the outset. Relative informality can be helpful to a successful counseling effort. Pg 191
An unnatural attempt at natural conversation will probably fool no one, so the honest counselor comes to the point after some initial, brief pleasantries. Pg 191
Excellent listening skills are a must for the supervisor who intends to succeed as a counselor. Pg 191
The attentive supervisor maintains eye contact with the speaker as much as is comfortable for them both and avoids facial expressions or body language displaying disbelief, disapproval, or shock. Pg 192
Listening cannot and must not be ____ pg 192
The skilled counselor sticks as much as possible with the issue at hand. This is no time for ____ the process of dredging up all past grievance and alleged wrongs from day one pg 192.
Garbage bagging
It is vital that the leader enter the conversation with his subordinate with an open mind. Pg 192
The police supervisor who has mastered the art of empathetic counseling knows that he must guard the privacy of his employee’s personal troubles. Pg 193
First, the police supervisor must be able to recognize when his own efforts require some professional backup. Pg 195
When the supervisor/counselor recognizes that a problem is so deeply seated, so long-standing, or so self-destructive as to demand immediate, highly skilled intervention, he undertakes another of his truly difficult roles: the job of showing his employee the wisdom of seeking additional aid.
This task may not be easy, particularly if the employee has trouble accepting the reality of there being a problem in the first place. Pg 194
As in so many of his tasks, the police leader has responsibilities to the public, the agency, and the employee when it comes to the topic of mental health in his subordinates. Pg 195
The police supervisor is not a drill instructor. He can teach his people and he can support them. He can correct them and he can counsel them. But he cannot possibly solve all of their problems for them, and he cannot think for them. At some point, the realistic police leader must recognize that he has done everything he can for his employee, whether through counseling or otherwise. Given that help, it is then up to the employee to make his own way. In the final analy-sis, the problem remains the property of the ______pg 197
The key reason that the supervisor must not tolerate sexual harassment in the workplace is a humane one ____ pg 201
: it is simply wrong and unethical to permit another human being to be treated in such a manner.
Coaching and mentoring go hand and hand pg 201
______are, of course, as important as technical skills in the mentoring 201