Chapter 8 Flashcards
There are certain elements that are common to each and every plan. First of all the supervisor- planner must pg 150
Identify the end objectives he seeks
One factor affecting the amount of effort required to “pass the word” about a plan is: og 153
the complexity of the plan itself
___ is critical to the eventual success of any plan pg 151
The advice of fellow supervisors
In planning goals and objectives for employees, the supervisor should be mindful of a few simple guidelines: A well-planned employee objective is specific, concise and to the point. Objectives should include some deadline. The objectives should include action-oriented verbs. Objectives should be beneficial to both the police employee and police agency. Finally: Whenever possible planning objectives should be: pg 156-157
Mutually devised and approved by the supervisor and police subordinate acting as a team
the supervisor should remain mindful that making reasonable changes to and original plan of action does not indicate weakness or indecisiveness. Failure to make needed changes to a plan of actions indicates a lack of___ pg 152
Good judgement
One factor affecting the amount of effort required to pass the word about a plan is __ pg 152
The complexity of the plan itself
The preparation of some sort of scheme, design, or manner of operating, to achieve some end goal or objective is _____
____define a planner as “one who plans.” To carry the exercise in definitions a little further, one generally finds the act of planning itself referred to as the preparation of some sort of scheme, design, or manner of operating, to achieve some end goal or objective. In this sense, just about everyone has planned something at one time or another. Pg 149
In order to be most useful, any planning effort must make provision for ____and _____of the plan once it is put into action. It’s one thing to devise and enact a scheme for solving a police problem it’s quite another to find out the plan is actually meeting it’s objective Pg 153
Evaluation and critique
The last query is an important one. The planner must examine the results-anticipated and otherwise-of his plan once it has been put into operation, particularly if the plan is a complicated one. Pg 153
Every plan is a design for action aimed at reaching an end result or ____ pg 149
Once a plan of action is out together , the police leader should once again again take advantage of the knowledge and experience of his __pg 151
The last query is an important one. The planner must examine the results - anticipated and other wise of his plan once it has been put into operation, particularly if the plan is a ____ one pg 153
Complicated one
Truly competent planning calls for long term as well as immediate evaluation and ___ ph 154
Every planner should set concrete , tangible objectives in fulfilling his planning responsibilities. Such planning goals and object are vital to the successful planner and his work. They also frequently display some common characteristics. Good planning objectives are _____ pg 154-155
Focus on results
Challenging but not idealistic
In planning employee goals and objectives, the supervisor should be mindful of a few simple guidelines which have worked for superVisors many times before____ pg 156
First of all, a well-planned employee objective is specific, concise, and to the point. Lengthy, complex, and involved objectives tend to confuse employee and supervisor.
“Second, planning objectives should include some deadline for the employee to meet as he directs his efforts.
Third, a good, written employee planning objective generally employs action-oriented verbs.
Fourth, employee objective planning should permit the establishment of only those objectives that are beneficial to both the police employee and the police agency.
written employee planning objective generally employs action-oriented verbs. These verbs include words such as increase, gain, develop, broaden, improve, and others in a like vein.
These terms may frequently be seen working in concise but clear-cut job objectives______ 156
- Increase knowledge of crime scene processing techniques.
- Broaden experience in the field of interviewing skills.
- Improve abilities in handling accident diagram preparation.
- Gain additional understanding of hostage negotiation principles and procedures
______of the employee must be consistent with both the larger goals of the organization and the more specific objectives of the employee’s own unit or assignment. This does not represent selfishness on the part of the agency managers .it’s just good “business” sense and a reasonable expectation required of any loyal employee pg 156
Prospective plans
The planning of employee objectives need not neglect the Interest of either employee or employer. Mutually beneficial goals and objectives can devised that serve 157
First of all, the planner must ___ what is expected of him pg 158
The supervisors goal, of course , is to hand in work that does not need revision but is instead praised for its thoroughness and overall ___ pg 158
The smart supervisor will ask ______questions about any instructions he does not understand pg 159
A plan is only good as it’s weakest element, and a _____ planner seems a plan without weaknesses
A supervisors healthy personal outlook and a positive job attitude should be the ____products of careful attention to his needs, too. Pg 159
_______ skills should be found in every effective supervisors tool box pg160
Time management
He must set priorities, establish goals, and tailor objectives to his new assignment. A new patrol sergeant, for example, might prioritize his duties something like this: pg 160
Learn about my subordinates
Learn the mechanics of my job
Learn how u can improve the way I do my job as a supervisor
Learn what it will take to mast the next step in the organizational ladder
There are other questions to be answered about any activated plan. In addition to the Does it Work? query, ask: Does the change in operations or procedures create new, unanticipated difficulties? Does it create new “people problems while solving other problems anticipated by the plan? and: pg 153
Is the plan only partially succeeded? Could it be improved through further change ?