Chapter6 Flashcards
- contain no blood vessels/nerves
- dense connective tissue girdle of perichondrium contains blood vessels for nutrient delivery to cartilage
skeletal cartilages
- most abundant type of cartilage
- provides support, flexibility, and resilience
- can be found in costal cartilages, nose, thyroid cartilage
hyaline cartilages
- simlar to hyaline cartilages but contain elastic fibers
- found in external ear or epiglottis
elastic cartilages
- includes collagen fibers
- has great tensile strength
- sites subjected to both pressure and stretch such as menisci of the knee and discs btw vertebrae
- cells secrete matrix against the external face of existing cartilage
appositional growth (growth from outside)
- lacunae bound chondrocytes divide and secrete new matrix, expanding cartilage from within
interstatial growth - length (growth from inside)
classification of bones by shape
- long bones- longer than they are wide
- short bones- cubeshaped (wrist or ankle)
- sesamoid- bones within tendons (patella)
- flat bones- thin, flat , slightly curved
- irregular bones- complicated shapes
functions of bones
- support
- protection
- movement
- storage
- blood cell formation
- compact bone collar surrounds medullary(marrow) cavity
- medullary cavity in adults contain fat(yellow marrow)
[structure of a long bone]
- expanded ends
- spongy bone interior
- epiphysea line (remnant of growth plate)
- articular(hyaline) cartilage on joint surfaces
[structure of long bone]
dense outer layer bone texture
compact bone
honeycomb of trabeculae filled with red or yellow bone marrow
spongy bone
- periosteum: Outer fibrous layer
- endosteum: deliocate connective tissue membrane
membranes of bone
inner osteogenic layer includes:
- osteogenic - stem cells
- osteoblasts- bone forming cells
- osteoclasts- bone destroying cells
nerve fibers, nutrient blood vessels, and lymphatic vessels enter the bone via……
nutrient foramina
- periosteuum
- endosteum
- spongy bone called diploe in flat bones
- bone marrow btw the tracbeculae
structure of short, irregular, and flat bones
- bone forming cells, laying dow the matrix
- mature bone cells that occupy (lacunae) spaces that conform to their shape
- monitor and maintain bone matrix
- Cells that break down (resorb) bone matrix
- HCL(hydrochloric acid) for mineral salts
- lysosomal_ enzymes digest proteins
- lie at right angels tot he long axis of the bone and connect the blood and nerve supply of the periosteum to those in the central canals and the medullary cavity
perforating canals or Volkmann’s canal
- Trabeculae- Align along lines of stress
- No osteons
- Contain irregularly arranged lamellae , osteocytes , and canaliculi
- Capillaries in endosteum supply nutrients_
microscopic anatomy of spongy bone