Chapter1 Flashcards
Theory that all the continents were all together in to one mega continent
After the flood, sea levels dropped and there was a land bridge between what two places? What was that land bridge called?
Asia and North America
Why did the amscestors of the native Americans. Nimadic hunters. Come across the bridge?
Followed the migrating animals
Who was the last group
The Inuit, Eskimo’s
What was the significance of corn?
Maize changed their way of life. It allowed them to settle down and start perminant communities.
Name the four largest civilizations and where they’re from
Olmec. Mexico
Inca. Peru
Aztec. Mexico
Mayans Central America
What were theoldest groups in America
Anasazi “ancient ones” and mound builders.
Five major groups of native Americans
Northwest Southwest Plains Eastern woodland and Great Lakes Indians Southeastern
First Europeans to the americas
Vikings (Leif Erickson) Canada
What sparked the age of discovery
Marco polos adventures
Who was the first to go around Africa? Dark continent?
Barthokonew Dias
Who was vasco da gama
First to reach India by going around Africa. Indies
What happened as a result of columbuses discovery?
A global economic system
What did Europe America and Africa provide
Europe. Provided markets and capital
Africa provided a labor force
America provided the raw materials and food
Why would the world never be the same?
The exchange of goods, ideas, people etc between Europe and the americas.
What did the Americans introduce?
Tobacco, corn, beans, squash, tomatoes, potatoes, chocolate etc.
Good things Europeans j to diced to Americans.
Livestock cattle pigs HORSES
Sugar revolutionize the diet
Citrus prevented scurvy
and disease. Small pox, yellow fever, malaria.
Walla Walla, nex lerce. Known for totem pole and potlatch
South West
Pueblo, Navaho, Apache
Known for kachina. Spirits
Sioux, Cheyenne. Known for the Mandela (spirit shield) dream catcher (spirit trap)
Eastern woodland and Great Lakes indians
Iroquois, mochican, Erie. Known for peace pipe, passport and treaty.
Three sister farming. Maize, beans, and squash.
Iroquois confederation. Hiawatha -legendary leader Five tribes and New York Matrilineal Possessions passed through the female line.
South eastern
Cherokee, Seminole, etc.
Known for corn festivals and war and piece chiefs.
Nation state
The form of political society that combines centralized government with a high degree of ethnic and cultural unity,
The form of society in which family line, power, and wealth are passed primarily through the female side.
An alliance or League of Nations or people’s looser than a federation
Concerning the earliest origin of things
A lengthy story or poem recounting the great deeds and adventures of a people and their heroes.
In trading systems, those dealers who operate between the original buyers and the retail merchants who sell to customers.
A small vessel with a high deck and three triangular sails.
A large scale agricultural enterprise growing commercial crops and usually employing coerced or slave labor. They built up their own systematic traffic in slaves to work the sugar plantations.
A naturally evolved network of relations among organisms in a stable environment.
Concerning the general characteristics of a given population.
A Spanish conqueror or adventurer in the americas.
An economic system characterized by private property, general free trade, and pen and accessible markets.
The Spanish labor system in which persons were held to unpaid service under the permanent control of their masters, though not legally owned by the,.
A person of mixed Native American and European ancestry.
Medium sized subunit of territory within a larger nation or empire.
What was the geography of the North American continent shaped by?
Glaciers of the great ice age