Chalter Chapter And Two And Three Flashcards
How long had slavery been a practice in west Africa?
How did you become a slave?
In west Africa
- ) Criminals
- ) POW
- ) Debt
- ) Protection (windows)
What rights did slaves have? West Africa
- ) Could marry
- ) Own property
- ) Humane treatment
Who were the first slaves used in the americas?
Native Americans, and they made poor slaves.
Why did native Americans make poor slaves?
- ) disease, they were not resistant to the diseases
- ) they were not used to slavery
- ) they could escape easily
- ) not farmers by trade
Who persuraded authorities to end Native American slavery
Father Junioero la casa
What was the first type of labor used in British (English) Plantaions?
Indentured Servants (bondsmen)
What’s an indentured servant?
A bondsmen. A person who traded seven years of work for his passage to the americas.
Eventually there were too few of them and they became too expensive and dangerous,
They were replaced by African slaves.
How many slaves were sent to the americas between 1500 and 1800
Ten to twelve African slaves.
Where did most African slaves come from?
West Africa (gold or Ivory Coast) and we’re brought to the West Indies by the Portuguese and the Spanish - purchased from African chieftains in exchange for guns and rum.
Where were the African slaves most used?
Sugar plantations of the caribbbean
Where were some Africans sold and sent to the USA?
Auction blocks?
What percentage of African slaves went to the USA?
Five percent
Where were most of the African slaves sent?
West Indies (48%) and South America (Brazil) (41%)
What were the three legs (stages) in the Africans slaves journey to the americas?
- ) capture and sold to the slavers
- ) middle passage: ocean voyage - brutal and inhuman voyage - about 20% died during the voyage
- ) auction block - West Indies
Why did Africans make good slaves?
- ) resistant to European disease
- ) used to slavery
- ) could not escape easily
- ) good farmers
- ) cost
What was the price of an African male?
How many days of labor was it equivalent to a European?
What determined how you became a slave in the americas?
The color of your skin
What ere the three types of slaves used on British (English) plantations
- ) field slaves: worked king hours of manual labor in the fields. Overseers watched over them
- ) artisan slaves: ski,led in a trade (must be native born) - had the most freedom!
- ) house slaves: worked in the masters home, stables, grounds, etc. received the best clothing and food,
What is chattel slavery
Personal property that could be bought, sold, trades, or inherited.
What was the average life expectancy of slaves?
What does African slave culture center around?
- ) music: negro spirituals
- ) language: Gullah (blend of English and African dialects
- ) dress:colorful
- ) religion adopted Christianity - became very important (means of coping with life)
- )liniage (family history - roots - family oriented
What was the dilemma English Americans faced concerning the institution of slavery?
1.) profit: the americas entire economy has based on staple crops of sugar tobacco rice and cotton
Vs morality
How to justify the enslaving of human beings
This went directly against what the United States was based on: freedom and equality.
Competition between which three European powe
Spain, France, England
What took England so long to explore North America?
- ) religious conflict at home (Henry the eighth and the battle with the Catholic Church
- ) conflict with Ireland - catholic Irish uprising
- ) early colonial failures
Sir Humphrey Gilbert
First attempt at early colonial failures
Sir Walter Raleigh was the second attempt at colonial failures
What event marked the turning point in England
England’s defeat Of the Spanish Armada
What were the factors that led to England’s colonization of North America?
- ) defeat Spain
- )pupolation
- ) unemployment
- ) primogeniture
- ) new markets - profit
List the first English settlements and some facts about them
Maryland haven for Catholics lord Baltimore
Rice plantations
Georgia military outpost
Name the three d’s the Indians faced.
What’s primogeniture
Eldest son inherited all land estates
What saved Jamestown?
Tobacco cash crop
What were the first slave codes?
First were in the West Indies - slaves would be bought and sold in the West Indies and send to English North America
Indigo dye was made where
Who was John Wesley
Common features of the southern plantation colonies
Staple cash crop - agricultural
- ) slavery was a common labor source
- ) aristocratic except North Carolina
- ) few cities
- ) religious toleration
Six beliefs of the calvinists (puritans)
- ) original sun
- ) predestination
- ) hard work
- ) careful watch of self and others
- ) perfection of ministry
- ) theocracy
Differences between northern and southern colonies
Economy is North is trade and commerce, south it was agricultural
North settles for religious freedom, south settled for profit
Government in north was semi democratic in south it was aristocracy
Values in north were religious and family oriented, in the south they were non religious single white males.
South illiterate while north was
North was not diverse
North was what and south was what
Piece of heaven
Dung hill
William Bradford
First governor
What was the Plymouth
(Seperationalist minister) get in trouble? Why did roger Williams
- ) believed the ouritans should pay for the Indian land and treat them like how you would treat each other
- ) avocated separation of church and state
He started the colny of Rhode Island and founded the Baptist Church
How was Connecticut started?
Thomas hooker took his entire congregation of of Massachusetts and took them to Connecticut