Chapm7 Flashcards
The colonial economy should be carefully controlled to serve the Mother’s country’s needs
The British theory of mercantilism by which the colonies governed held that
By inhibiting the development of banking and paper currencies the colonies was…
One of the ways in which mercantilism harmed the colonial economy was
What happened when the passed the sugar act?
Tax on sugar to raise revenue, also stricter enforcement on the navigation acts and crackdown on smuggling. (Violators tried in admiralty courts)
Admiralty courts
In British law, special admiration courts designed to handle maritime cases without a jury. Both the sugar act and the stamp act provided for typing offender in the hated admiralty courts
When was the sugar act passed?
Courts without jury and has crown chosen judges?
Admiralty courts
Define mercantilism
The economic theory that all parts of the economy should be coordinated for the good of the whole state. Hence, the colonial economics should be subordinated for the benefit of an 3mpire.
When was the quartering act passed and what was it
1765 and colonists required to provide food and housing for British soldiers
When Was the stamp act passed and what was it? Was it passed with consent?
1765,;and it placed a tax on a variety of legal documents and items
Passed without consent of the colonial legislators
Colonial responses to the stamp act
Then Britain’s responds to this
Virginia resolves by Patrick Henry in the house of burgesses(reiderates no taxation without representation)
England responds with virtual representation.
Stamp act congress, representatives from 9 complies meet to oppose British policies. Move towards inter colonial unity. First organized resistance amongst the colonies to British policy.
Sons of liberty: secret organization that at times used violence to disrupt enforcement of the act.
Who attacked royal officials with tar and feathering?
The sons of liberty
What does virtual representation state?
Means that parliament had in mind the interest of all the kings subjects no matter where they resided. Thus the colonists had virtual political representation
What did the navigation law say and when was it issued?
1650, and it said that all commerce flowing to and from the colonies could be transported only in British vessels.
What first around the resentment of the colonists and when was it?
Prime minister George Grenville aroused the resentment in 1763 by ordering the British navy to begin strictly enforcing the navigation laws. Also he secured from parliament the sugar act.
What were the boycotts?
Various colonists were issuing non importation agreements against British imports were the most affective form of resistance.
There was a huge drop in trade. Many British merchants were demanding parliament repeal the stamp act because they were loosing so much money.
Why did parliament vote to repeal the stamp act?
Because of the boycotts.== the nonimportation agreements.
What act was passed after the stamp act in 1766?
The declatory act in 1766: England says they have power over the colonies still
Who becomes the new chancellor of the exchequer and proposed his own revenue plan?
Charles townshed.
What was the Townsend act? When did it happen? Why did it happen? What happened as a result?
Tax on imports such as paper tea glass and other items. It happened in 1767. It happened because britain still had that debt after repealing the stamp act and Charles Townsend became the new chancellor and had his own revenue plan. As a result there was a lot of controversy because the money raised by the acts would be used to pay royal officials in the colonies. Previously they were paid by the colonial assemblies. And the colonists believed that if they were paid by the British then they would rule in favor of them too. ANOTHER part that angered the colonists was that they could search private homes by just getting a writ assistance. Rather than a warrant.
How big was the resistance to the townshed acts? How did they resist and what was the result? When were they repealed?
It was not as widespread as the other resistanc3s
John Dickinson “letters from a farmer in Pennsylvania argued “no taxation without representation”
England argues back that they have virtual representation
Colonists created the nonimportation and non consumption agreements
Boycott British goods, daughters of liberty organized spinning bees
England was loosing more money than they were generation so they repealed the townshed acts in 1770
Who wrote no taxation without representation?
John Dickinson in letters from a farmer in Pennsylvania
The coercive acts and the interoperable are
The same thing
In the colonies, how many troops did they have garrisoned
What are the two major roots of the revolution?
Republicanism and threat to their rights
Define republicism
A just society in which all citizens willingly give up their private interests to the common good. Opposed to higharchy land authoritarian institutes such as aristocracy and monarchy
How was America governed at this time?
A country must ______ more than they _______
Export more than they import
Who was the wealthiest man in america and how did he make his money.
John Hancock and he made his money smuggling
Who provided Britain with raw materials?
What were some of the pros and cons of the navigation act for the Americans
Pro: ruled under the SALUTARY NEGLECT - self rule
It was loosely enforced so they made money smuggling
Guaranteed market for tobacco
Protected by the most powerful navy and army in the world,without a penny of cost.
Define salutary neglect
Self rule
When did the storm take place?
What was Britain’s debt after the seven year war? How much is it worth intoday’s time
149 pounds, 512 pounds today
When did half of Britain’s debt come from?
Spent defending amErica
James _____ spoke the words:
No taxation without representation is tyranny
What is virtual representation.
Every member of parliament represents all British subjects
Who were the colonials protests led by? Who was their leader?
Sons of liberty, Samuel Adams
What were the two types of protests by the sons of liberty?
Boycott, mob protests
What did the stamp act do?
Placed a tax on a variety of legal documents and items
What was one the the big arguments against the stamp act by the colonists?
The stamp acts were passed without consent of the colonial legislators
Who’s legislative Wright’s were taken away in 1767 for failure to comply with the quartering act?
New York
The new world nurtured what
New ideas about the nature of society, citizen, and government.
Who coined the term Boston massecure
Samuel Adams
Who painted the boston massecure picture?
Pal revere
Who planned the Boston massecure
Samuel Adams
Who was Crispus Attucks
The first to be killed
John Adams, second cousin to Samuel Adams does what
Defends the soldiers
What were the committees of correspondence. Who established it
Spy network who’s chief function was to spread resistance and revolution. Samuel Adams
Tea act gave beic what?
A monopoly over tea, removed the middleman
Who was Thomas Hutchinson
Governor that ordered that the tea in Boston be unloaded
What was the equivilant amount of money that the tea thingy was worth idk
One million dollars today
What was the result of the Boston tea party
King was mad so passed the coercive acts
What were the intolerable acts designed to do?
Punish Boston and Massachusetts
What was the condition to remove the intolerable acts
Pay off the tea
What were the coercive acts?
Boston port act - shut down the port of Boston
Massachusetts government act - can’t rule themselves
New quartering act - had to house soldiers
Quebec act - gave the French a degree of religious freedom
What did the first,Continental Congress do?
Twelve of thirteen colonies showed up
Statement of grievances called the Suffolk resolves
- demanded that all British taxes be repealed
- demanded a repeal on the quotering act
- demand3d all British troops be sent to Engel and
Also voted to boycott British goods
Formed militia to defend themselves if necessary
Result of the first Continental Congress
King declared mass to be in a rebellion, and decided to teach the colonists a lesson. Sends another 3000 troops under the command of Thomas gage to Boston. (Commander in boston)
What happened in April 19 1775
American revolution began
Gage sent 700 troops under the command of maj John Pitcairn and were to do two things
Arrest the revolutionary ring leaders (Samuel Adams and John Hancock)
Seize and destroy colonial arms stored in concord
Who was dr Joseph warren
Head of the committee of correspondance in Boston
He alerted Paul revere and William Dawes of the Britishness actins
They,rode out to warn the colonists
Who rode out to warn the colonists
There were multiple two were Paul revere and William Dawes
What did Henry wadsworth Longfellow do?
Wrote the poem midnight ride of Paul revere
Where did most of the protests take place?
Who was raplph Waldo Emerson
He wrote the concord h6mn the shot heard ari he the wold
How many minutemen died
70 militia were under the command of who
John Parker
Who was dr Joseph warren
Head of the committee of correspondence in Boston