Chaoter 8 Based On Notes Flashcards
What was America’s first civil war?
American revolution
Main cause of the American revolution
Colonists we’re not given the rights of Englishmen
What did the colonsiss do after lexington and concord?
Laid siege to Boston
Battle of ft Ticonderoga
Benedict Arnold and Ethan Allen and his green mountain boys defeat the British and take cannon and move them to Boston
Deceive the battle of bunker hill.
What were the results?
First major battle of the revolution - deadliest
Col. William prescott (American) don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes
Costly British victory (1,100) casualties
Results: 1.) British evacuate Boston
2.) 2nd continental congress (13 colonies) meet in Philadelphia.
Served as our first government
John Hancock was the president
They created an army
And chose George Washington over John Hancock as commander because he had military experience in the French and Indian war and they needed the support of Virginia
Describe the olive branch petition.
What were the results
Continental congress called for a return to the former harmony between Britain and the colonies! Peace!
Results of it:
- ( king George declared the colonists traitors
- ) prohibitory act: great Britain ended all trade with the colonists and set up a blockade
Why did Americans invade Canada?
They hoped the French would join against the British as the fourteenth colonies.
They didn’t
Who wrote the book common sense?
Thomas Paine
What was the book common sense??
A list of reasons why the Americans should declare independence from the British.
Proposed a radical idea called the American 3xperiment (the idea that th3 common peopl3 could rule themselves without the need for a king.
What did Richard Henry lee do?
Proposed a resolution to declare our independence before the continental congress
Who were the five men chosen to draft the Declaration of Independence
John Adams Benjamin Franklin Robert Livingston Roger Sherman Thomas Jefferson - author
When was the Declaration of Independence accepted?
July 4 1776
What were the three ideas and principles expressed in the d3claration of independence
All men are created equal
All men have three god given rights. Life liberty and persuit of happiness
Government is to serve the will of the people
Americans chose sides, what were they?
Tories: loyalists
Patriots: whigs
What is a loyalist
What %
Famous loyalist
Why were they loyalists
Where did most live?
The tories were those who opposed independence and remained loyal to the crown.
William Franklin - son of Benjamin Franklin
Conscience couldn’t let them betray Jobs: worked for the crown Pacifists: quakers Angelica’s clergy Wealthy and had nothing to gain
New York and south
What is a patriot
Where at first
Whigs were those in favor of the revolution
Rights taken away from them
Economic opportunity
Most were in New England at first
What were the neutrals
65% very hard to stay neutral.
Was the group both sides needed
What were some British advantages
Best trained army
Strong central government
Unlimited supplies and equipment
Some British disadvantages
Unfamiliar territory
Mercenary soldiers (German hessians)
Not fully supported at home
American advantages
Fighting for the cause of independence
Leadership if George Washington
Foreign aid
Defensive war and territory
American disadvantages
Poorly trained
Not United
Very little money for food and equipment
No real government
What do the British do after evacuating Boston?
They invade NYC
Describe the battles of NYC Overall British commander. How many? American? Story Results
Over all British commander: gen William Howe 35,000
American: George Washington 18,000 mostly malitia
Story: George washing was offered a pardon but refused saying those who have committed no fault want no pardon.
Army was trapped up against a river and a mysterious fog protected his armies retreat. Gods protection
Americans loose all three battles because of their inexperience and fear
British occupy New York
Most Americans deserted the army
(Charles lee Washington’s second in command is captured
Lowest point in war all looked lost)
What two events help the Americans to boost morale and save the cause?
- ) Thomas Paine writes the crisis. These are the times that try men’s souls… summer soldier and sunshine patriot he was challenging their manhood
- ) battle of Trenton surprise attack the day after Christmas - Americans win!
What are the results of the battle of Philadelphia
Continental congress abandons the city
Washington and Americans lose the city in a series of battles
Americans lost largest city
Describe the battle of Saratoga
Major result?
American commander: Horacio gates (wanted Washington’s job)
British:John Burgoyne
Americans led by Benedict Arnold and DEFEAT the British shock.
Hero of the battle was Benedict Arnold
French decide to join the Americans in the war because they wanted revenge for the French Indian
Turning point in war
What did Benedict Arnold later become a traitors
Plotted to turn over West Point
Never credited for his victories
Not promoted
Married a Tory (Peggy shippen)
Who was Peggy shippen
Benedict Arnolds wife
What was the Franco American alliance
USA becomes allies with France - oldest ally
What was the Carlisle peace commission
British attempted to make peace! Offered self rule as a British colony
Who was friedrich von Steuben
German man trained continentals into a disciplined army
Marquis de Lafayette
Close aid to George Washington
Paying for the war: American side
Haym Solomon
In charge of raising money for the Americans
Printed money continentals caused inflation
Borrowed from foreign countries
Name the famous women
Deborah Sampson
Disguised herself as a man to serve in the continental army
Mary Ludwig hays
“Molly pitcher”
Heroine at battle of Monmouth
Betsy Ross
Made the first American flag
African Americans
Fought on both sides with the promise of freedom
Who was prince estrabrook
Battle of Lexington
Peter Salem
Battle of bunker hill
Who did the native Americans fight for and why
The British because they were promised the land west of the Appalachian mountains
Who was George Rogers Clark
Led Americans and defeats the native Americans led by Joseph brant(thayendanegea)
John Paul Jones
Americans naval commander of the bonhomie Richard
We have not yet begun to fight
Patrick Henry
Give me liberty or give me death
Give me liberty or give me death
Nathan Hale
American spy” I regret that I have but one life to give for my country”
George Washington’s spy network the culper ring.
Benjamin tallmadge was the leader
What was the greatest British victory
Battle of Charlestown
British generals Cornwallis left in charge of operations in the south
Invades the Carolinas
Francis Marion
Swamp fox
Fights with gorilla warfare
Local hero
Nathanael greene
American general
Fighting Quaker
Battle of kings mt, guilford courthouse, cowpens
Results of the battle of Yorktown
British recognizes us independence
America gains most land east of Mississippi River
Results of the American revolution
1: USA independence
2: created a rise in egalitarianism
3: created a new society were the people would rule themselves
4: Americans began to question slavery
E plaribus unum
Out of many one
Meaning: out of many people one nation
Usa motto