Chapter 16 and road to civil war Flashcards
Slavery was dying out in America! North had already abolished it. South not profitable any more. Turning point. What made slavery more profitable in the south?
The cotton gin.
Who invented the cotton gin?
Eli Whitney
How did the cotton gin change everything?
It was the turning point in the American history of slavery!
The high demand for cotton made it profitable.
- ) cotton, high demand by England
- ) High demand for slave labor (cotton fields)
What was “king cotton”?
Earned 50% of USAs income!
Profitable for both North and South.
North - shipped it
South - grew it
How much of the cotton was England buying? From who?
England bought 75% - from the south.
- textile mill owners “lords of the loom”
How much cotton did the southerners produce?
Southern produced 50% of the worlds supply.
“Lords of the lash”
Key assumption: if there ever was a war between north and south, Great Britain would side with the south. Why?
South was not afraid to secede.
*great Britain was dependent on its cotton
Describe the south’s social structure.
planter aristocracy
Oligarchy - ruled by few
1,700 - 2,500 families - owned over 100 slaves
Controlled south’s power and wealth
Not democratic! Few, rich, most poor.
Owned huge estates
Sent kids to private schools.
1.) Feudalistic society (Middle Ages) Lords and ladies Manor house (castle) Slaves (serfs) labor Code of chivalry Life of wealth and privalage
2.) small slaveholders
At most they had 1 or 2 saves
Worked with the slaves
Modest income
3.) non slave owners
Subsistence farmers
Poor white (hillbillies, white trash, crackers etc)
They defended slavery the most! Why?
They were better than someone
Someday they might own slaves!
4.) mountain whites
(Western Virginia)
Opposed slavery!
Hated planters
5.) free blacks: (1/4 of a million)
Mostly in Tennessee
Many mulattoes
Slaves (4 million)
Deep South( most)
What percentage of southerners owned no slaves at all?
Seventy five percent
List reasons why slavery hurt the south
1.) plantation agriculture( cotton)
Wasteful land butchery
Destroyed the soil
2.) economy has no diversification
All dependent on one crop,cotton
3.) all their money was invested in slaves!
4.) south was economically dependent on north:
* produced almost no manufactured goods.
Very little food.
What was the economy dependent on?
Who was Hinton Rowand helper:
What did he write?
What did he claim?
Criticized slavery from within the south!
Wrote (“impending crisis of the south”)
He claimed slavery was holding ack the economic development of the south.
When the war started, what dilemma did the south face?
They had no guns.
What was the turning point of Americans slavery history
Cotton gin
What were textile mill owners called?
Lords of the loom
What’s an oligarchy
Rules by few
Why’s as slavery called the peculiar institution
Because it was strange. The concept of owning another person was peculiar.
How did the slave trade end?
After the American revolution, there was a comprimise made between the north and the south. That the slave trade could only exist for another 20 years after the American revolution.
What’s another term for slaves?
Black ivory.
What happened as a result of the slave trade ending?
Black ivory prices sky rocketed.
There were less slaves.
Smuggling occurred
How did they get most of their slaves after the trade ended?
Natural reproduction
Biggest investments for the south
Slaves and land.
Another name for Deep South. Name the states in the Deep South.
Held half of the slaves in the south.
Black belt,
SC,FL,Mississippi, Alabama, luisianna
Worst part of slavery to the slave?
Families Splitting
Biggest state and town for slavery auctions
Sc, Charleston
First and second most valuable age for slaves.
Young strong male,
Young fertile female
How did the south justify slavery?
They romanticized slavery. (Happy life of slavery)
How long did slaves work?
Who were they watched by?
Dawn to dusk.
What is a slave code?
What did it later become known by
Separate status of slaves and masters.
Jim Crow laws.
Flogging(beating). How common was it?
Because whip marks and scars showed potential buyers they were rebellious.
What are breakers?
People whose job was to deal with rebellious slaves. Break their spirit.
Why were savage beating rare? (Beat to the death)
Why would you want to kill your investment?
Why did they encourage slaves to become Christians?
Stressed to love your enemy, turn the other cheek, obey. To keep them docile and not to revolt.
Spirituals, focused on freedom and a new life. Later became codes in the Underground Railroad.
What is a ringshout
audience responses to preacher. Yelling “amen”, “preach it brother”.
It was forbidden by law to educate your slave. Why?
Because it gave them knowledge and ideas. You don’t want that because they could rebel.
Revolts were rare. Why?
It was difficult for a group of slaves to get together.
Mot famous slave revolt.
Nat turner revolt.
What was the abolitionist movement. What did they want? What groups of people were mostly abolitionists
To abolish slavery,
Mostly ministers, quakers, women, and ex-slaves.
First somewhat popular abolitionist movement. What did they try to do?
American colonization society.
Attempted to resettle African slaves back to Africa.
What did the American colonization society try to do?
Tried to attempt to resettle ex-slaves to Africa. Purchased Liberia, bought freedom of slaves, transport them to Liberia, then come back.
Capitol of Liberia
What does Liberia mean
Why did the American colonization society fail?
They sent about 15,000 but eventually failed. Why?
- ) too costly
- ) most of the slaves lived in North America, they didn’t even want to go to Africa 😂😂😂😂
It failed, so they changed the movement. What did it change in to. What did they say? Who led out in this crusade.
Morale crusade.
They said that slavery was sin. EVIL!
Led by ministers. Lyman Beecher.
Who was Lyman Beecher?
One of the leading ministers in the morale crusade. His family helped too.
Another movement started. Called Radical Abolitionism.
Who was it led by?
What did he say? (Purpose)
What did he make also?
Led by William Lloyd Garrison.
He demanded an immediate abolition and citizenship for blacks!
He made his own anti slavery newspaper. “Liberator”
What society did William Lloyd garrison start later?
Who was his second in command?
What was he called?
American anti slavery society.
Wendell Phillips.
“Abolition’s golden trumpet” - major speaker
At its peak of popularity, how many people were abolitionists?
Less than ten percent.
Who’s super duper gay.
Who was the abolitionists golden trumpet?
Wendell Phillips
Name and describe some black abolitionists
Isabel baumfree “sojourner Truth” - ex slave - speaker
Fredrick Douglas -ex slave - great orator
He was the most renowned black speaker!
Had the “North Star” anti slavery newspaper
Harriet Tubman “Moses” of her people. Was a conductor of the Underground Railroad.
Who was the most renowned black speaker
Fredrick Douglas
Who started the North Star newspaper
Fredrick Douglas
Who was Harriet Tubman.
One of the black abolitionists. She was the Moses of her people and was a conductor of the Underground Railroad.
Who was the “Sojourner Truth?
Black abolitionist. Isabel baumfree. Ex slave and speaker.
What were the anti slavery political parties?
Liberty party
Free soil
Abolitionists movement wasn’t popular in the north. Why?
- ) very profitable for northern merchants.
- ) job competition (Manuel labor, Irish)
- ) feared it would destroy the union
- ) prejudice did not want to free blacks.
Two famous abolitionist sisters in the south
Angelina and Sarah grimke. 2 sisters opposed to slavery.
How did the southerners refer to slavery before 1830.
How did they refer to it after 1830
Why did they change the name of it?
Necessary Evil.
Positive Good.
Because they were making enormous profit.
How did the south defend slavery? (Justify it)
- ) slavery is in the Bible.
- ) Aristotle defended slavery
- ) blacks need to be civilized.
- ) blacks were like children who need taking care of,
- ) slavery was better than “wage slaves” (factory workers) in the factories of the north.
Who was Elijah P. Lovejoy
First white abolitionists who dies. He dies a “martyr”
Who was John Brown
Attempted to lead an armed slave revolt
What did Harriet Beecher Stowe write?
Wrote uncle toms cabin
Who was Wilber wilberforce.
Ended slavery in Great Britain
Who was the Louisiana purchase acquired from?
France, we bought it from them.
What did america get out of the Mexican American war?
USA gained new territories. Mexican cession.
What to do with slavery in the new western territories?
That became a major issue that helped lead to the American civil war.
What question became a major issue (cause of civil war) that helped lead to the American civil war
What to do with slavery in the new western territories?
Are some of the proposals to resolve the question: what to do with slavery in the new western territories
1.) Missouri comprimise
36, 30 parallel
Said that above the line = free, below the line = slave.
By Henry clay.
2.) Wilmot Proviso: wilmot said that all land acquired from Mexico should be free. (Not open to slavery)
3.) compromise of 1850
Attempt to save Union - wrote by Henry clay
4.) popular sovereignty
Steven Douglas came up with this idea. Let the people decide for themselves the issue of slavery promoted by Stephen Douglas.
What did the wilmot proviso say?
What was it.
One of the proposals to the question.
It says that all land acquired from Mexico should be free
Who wrote the Missouri compromise and the comprimise of 1850
Henry clay
How long was the debate over the compromise of 1850
6 months.
Eventually passed.
Who was Stephen Douglas?
Introduced popular sovereignty
What six events polarized (split) the north and south. (Ten year period)
1.) fugitive slave law
Required all American citizens to help catch and return runaway slaves to the south.
2.) uncle toms cabin (anti slavery book)
What were personal liberty laws
Laws passed by several us states in the north to counter the fugitive slave acts of 1850
How did the fugitive slave act split the two sides?
It caused many northerners to see slavery for the first time. This caused many to become abolitionists
It also forced the Underground Railroad to extend to Canada because the slaves were no longer free in the north.
Who wrote uncle toms cabin
Original name
What was it written as?
What was it about.
Was it a success?
What was the purpose of the book?
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Life among the lowly
Written as propaganda (spreading of information to influence
How slavery destroys family. Everyone’s family is destroyed.
Instant best seller in the north and around the world.
Purpose was to show people the files of slavery.
Queen Victoria wept when she read the book.
Bleeding Kansas.
What was it?
Border war, abolitionists vs pro-slavery
A series of violent confrontations in the territory of Kansas involving anti-slavery “abolitionists” and pro-slavery “border ruffians” people
What did the Kansas Nebraska act introduce?
Popular sovereignty
What was popular sovereignty?
Let the people decide
What were the pro slavery people called?
Border ruffians
Who was Henry Beecher
Leader of the abolitionists - “Beecher bibles” - guns
What did John Brown do?
He gets a group of men and sons and goes to Paradaname creek with machetes and hack five men violently to death.
What two events causes Kansas to explode in to a war?
Sacking of Lawrence and patawomtame creek massecure
How did bleeding Kansas split the two sides?
It was the acts of violence between the north and south.
third event:
Preston brooks beats Charles sumner with a cane in Congress
Who was Preston brooks
Pro slavery congressman that beat Charles summer with a cane in Congress
Who was Charles sumner
Abolitionist congressmen who was beat with a cane by Preston brooks.
Fourth event of the cause of the civil war.
The dred Scott Supreme Court decision
Who was dred Scott
He sues his master for his freedom
What was dred Scott’s grounds for his freedom?
He’s never even been in a slave state.
What were the two questions the Supreme Court had to answer before they could make a decision about dred Scott.
Why was the ruling so controversial?
- ) could black sue the United States government
- ) did freedom go with the territory
- ) no, they couldn’t sue because they’re not citizens
- ) slaves were considered to be “property” thus the government could not take away the citizens property
It said slavery could exist anywhere, north, south, east, west
*there was nothing the court could do to stop it.
Fifth event that would split
What is harpers ferry?
Why did the uprising fail?
Who cam down and what did he do?
Raid at harpers ferry.
John Brown attempts to lead an armed slave uprising in Virginia.
Purpose is to abolish slavery by force.
Harpers ferry is a USA federal arsenal
The uprising failed because no slaves came.
Col. Robert e lee came and put down the uprising and John Brown was captured and put on trial for treason. (The betrayal of ones country)
What did John Brown predict?
The war.
How did the harpers ferry and John browns execution split the two sides.
John browns execution was make in to a martyr by the north. They said he was a hero who was willing to die for the cause of freedom. They compared him to Jesus Christ.
This angered the south and they were in outrage. They south thought of John brown as a traitor.
What three new parties come on the scene in the presidential election.
Describe them.
- ) free soil party: opposed to the expansion of slavery west
- )American party: opposed to immigrants. (Irish Catholics) they were called know nothing
- ) republican party: anti slavery party
Pro slavery party - the democrats win
Who becomes president when the democrats win.
James Buchanan becomes president
What was the last polarizing event of the lead to civil war
What did the north winning without a vote from the south tell them?
What did it push the south to do?
The presidential election of Abraham Lincoln
The north had all the power and would eventually abolish slavery.
Secede from the union.
What did Stephen Douglas promote?
Popular sovereignty
Crittenden comprimise
It failed.
Who was the first southern state to secede from union
South Carolina
How many states seceded.
Name all the states that seceded.
South Carolina,
misssissippi, Georgia, Texas, Alabama, Florida, and Louisiana,
Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, Tennessee
What was the new government called that the southern states create.
Confederate stares of America.
What two things are the confederate states based on.
States rights. - states have more power than federal government
Who was the confereracies first president?
Jefferson Davis
What was the original capital of the confederate states, what was it later changed to?
Montgomery, al
Richmond Va
What was the general attitude towards succession
Most southerners were thrilled.
Who were the two major southerners that were opposed to them seceding
- Robert e lee
2. ) Sam Houston
Who was Robert e lee
One of the two major southerners that were opposed
Who was Sam Houston
One of the two southerners that were opposed
What was the attitude towards the seceding from the northerners.
The northerners really don’t care. Let them go.
Why did some northerners oppose the seceding. (some)
Some like Abraham Lincoln thought it went against the constituton.
Name the three major causes of the American civil war.
Westward expansion (slavery States rights (state gov. Had more power) Slavery (economics, politics, and morality)
Results of the civil war.
- ) Over 600,000 men lost their lives (2% of the population)
- ) The south was destroyed.
- ) Slavery was ended
- ) Saved the union
What kind of war was the civil war.
What is that
Total war.
When a country devoted all its resources toward the war effort.
Where did the war begin?
Fort sumpter. Located in Charleston South Carolina.
Describe the dilemma the south faced.
- )if they allowed the north to keep fort sumpter - their new government would appear weak.
- ) if they took the fort by force, they would be blamed for starting the war.
How long were they firing on fort sumpter?
34 hours
Who surrendered to who after they bombarded the fort
Gen, Robert Anderson surrendered to gen. PGT Beauregard.
Results on the attack of fort sumpter.
- ) The war begun
2. ) Three more southern states leave the union. (Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee)
What were the border slave states?
Why were they particularly important to the south
The states right on the north and south border. They were crucial to both sides. Didn’t really have that many slaves they had them but you know. South was hoping that the border states would come join them.
- ) Delaware
- ) Kentucky
- ) Missouri
- ) Maryland.
Half of the south’s white population lived in these states.
Never seceded.
What were the north’s advantages in the war.
- ) large population (men)
- ) abundant industry (supplies)
- ) abundant food supply
- ) large navy (blockade)
What were the north’s disadvantages
They had to invade and conquer the south
Poor military leadership
Poorly trained soldiers.
South’s advantages
United behind a cause
Well trained men
Superior military leaders
Only had to defend their territory
South’s disadvantages
Lack of men, supplies, and food
States rights
Small navy
North’s main goals of the war:
To save the union
Later it was the free the slaves
South’s main goals.
Win independence and to preserve slavery
North’s strategic (objectives) to win the war
1.) capture Richmond
2.) capture the Mississippi River
3.)blockade all southern ports
(Anaconda plan- squeeze the life out of the south)
South’s strategies to win the war
Get foreign assistance
Wear the north down - get them to quit
What were southern soldiers called?
Northern soldiers were called
Who did Abraham offer as an overal commander of the union army
Robert e lee
All civil war battles had two names
North - named after rivers and streams
South - named after two towns
First major Mattel of the war
Leaders of north and sout
Who won
Get name later
South: gen. PGT Beauregard
North: gen Irwin McDowell
Gen Thomas Jackson was known as the stonewall
South win
Realized the war was not going to be short or bloodless
Need for standard colored uniforms
(Blue and grey)
What was the north’s strategy at sea?
What did the south do?
Anaconda plan
The south hired blockade runners to get supplies through (private merchants)
Battle of ironclads (irons ship)
Ships that fought
Monitor vs Merrimac (csa Virginia)
Turning point n naval warfare.
Wooden ships became obsolete
HL Huntley
Confederate submarine
First submarine in history to sink an enemy ships