Chapter Three Flashcards
APA ethics code five principles
Beneficence and nonmaleficence
Fidelity and responsibility
Respect for rights and responsibilities
Respect for persons
Participants are treated as anonymous
They are fallible of making deliberate decisions about weather to participate in research
Informed Vincent
Belmont report
Current ethical guidelines for both behavioral and medical researchers
Three principles of the Belmont report
Confidentiality is especially important when
It is researching touchy subjects
Occurs after conpletion of study
Opportunity for researcher to deal with issues of withholding information, deception and potential harmful effects of participation
Refers to need for research to maximize benifits and minimize any possible harmful effects of participation
Occurs when there is an active misrepresentation of information about the nature of the study
Types of deception in Milligan study
Participants agreed to take part in a study of learning and memory but it was about obedience
Exempt research
Research where there is no risk is exempt from review
Questionnaires, surveys, and educational test
Fidelity and responsibility
Psychologist establish relationship and trust with those with whom they work. They are aware of their professional and scientific responsibilities to society and to the specific communities in which they work
Fabrication of data
When is fraud detected
When other scientist can not replicate the results of a study
charged with reviewing animal research procedures and ensuring that all regulations are adhered to
Informed consent
Potential participants in a research project should be provided with all info that might influence their active decision of weather or not to participate in a study
Institutional review board (IRB)
Every institution that receives funds must have an IRB that is responsible for the review of research conducted within the institution
Psychologist seek to promote accuracy, honesty and truthfulness in science, teaching and practice of psychology
Fairness and equity
“Psychologist recognize that fairness and justice entitle all persons to access and benifit from the contributions of psychology and to equal quality in the processes, procedures and services being conducted by psychologist
Minimal risk research
Risk of harm to participants are no greater than risk encountered in daily life or in route in physical or psychological test
Paraphrasing plagiarism
Words are not directly copied without attribution, but the ideas are copied without attribution
Refers to misrepresenting another’s work as your own
Respect for person
Psychologist respect the dignity and worth of all people and the rights of individuals to privacy, confidentiality, and self determination
Safeguards may be necessary to protect the rights of individuals to rights and welfare
Include factors such as psychological harm, and loss of confidentiality
Risk benefit analysis
The principle of beneficence leads us to ecamine potential risk and benifitethical principles require asking sheathed the research procedures have minimized risk to participants
Word for word plagiarism
Writer copied a section of another persons work word for word without prividing quotation marks indications that the segment was written by somebody else, nor a citation indicating the source of information
Autonomy associated application is …
Informed consent
What is done to ensure beneficence
Risk benifit analysis
What is provided to potential research participants to ensure autonomy
Informed consent
What are ways to ensure justice in selection of research subjects and what famous examples are there to motivate this principle
Look into this
Informed consent form
Must be easily understood and explained in clear language
Autonomy associated application is …
Informed consent
What is done to ensure beneficence
Risk benifit analysis
What is provided to potential research participants to ensure autonomy
Informed consent
What are ways to ensure justice in selection of research subjects and what famous examples are there to motivate this principle
Look into this
Informed consent form
Must be easily understood and explained in clear language
What famous study influenced justice in the belemont report
Tuskegee syphalis study. African American men were not treated for effects of disease
How to ensure justice in study
Randomize who’s a control