chapter prologue-2 Flashcards
What is psychology?
It is a science that uses evidence-based methods and requires scientific attitude (curiosity, skepticism, humility)
Critical Thinking def
examines assumptions, appraises the source, discerns hidden biases, evaluates evidence, and assesses conclusions
scientific study of observable behavior
Psychology def
science of behavior and mental processes
Behavior def
any action that can be observed or recorded
Mental processes
internal, subjective experience inferred from behavior
Evolutionary psychology
focuses in how humans are alike because of common biology and evolutionary history
Behavior genetics
focuses in differences related to differin genes and interests
cross-cultural psychology
focuses on how culture shapes behavior but recognizes that some underlying processes are universal
gender psychology
focuses on differences; males and females are overwhelming similar
positive psychology
focuses on human flourishing
Sources of of intuition over estimation
-hindsight bias
-tendency to perceive patterns in random events
hindsight bias
after knowing and outcome, you think you know it confidently
describing a modern culture where people’s emotions and personal beliefs often override their acceptance of objective facts
-false news, repetition, powerful examples, group identity
scientific method
observations, theories, hypothesis, replication
descriptive research
systematic, objective observation of people
-case study
-naturalistic observation
-survey and interviews
-big data
-random sampling
case study
lose representatives, good for rare studies, based on one person
naturalistic observation
watch nature, hard bc you might miss out
big data
search histories, big trends, twitter data
random sampling
representative sample, everyone is represented
correlation (general def)
-observation that two traits or attributes are related to each other; no causation
correlation (scientific def)
-measure of how closely two factors vary together, or how well you can predict a change in one from observing a change in one from observing a change in the other
strength (absolute value) (on graph)
-btwn 1-0
-0=not correlated
-look at the number to determine
Direction (+/-) (graph)
(+) covary in the same direction; positive correlation
(-) inversely correlated; negative correlation
-look at (+/-) to determine if same or inverse
illusory correlation
think they are correlated, but they are not
regression toward the mean
-tendency for extreme or unusual scores or events to fall back (regress) toward the average
-bumps on the skin
-tells us about the brain’s localized function
localization of function
-various brain regions have particular functions
-brain is able to change throughout life by reorganizing after damage or by building new pathways based on experience
-as you get older, plasticity declines
nerve cell
neuron’s extensions that receives and integrates messages, conducting impulses toward the cell body
segmented neuron extension that passes messages through its branches to other neurons or to muscles or glands
Gial cells (glia)
support, nourish, and protect neurons
-play a role in thinking, ;earning, memory
meeting point btwn neurons
refractory period
resting pause
level of stimulation required to trigger a neutral response
All-or-none response
neurons response to firing with full strength or not firing at all
chemical messengers that cross the synaptic gap btwn neurons, bind to receptor sites of the receiving neurons