Chapter 9: Social Interaction Flashcards
________ ________ are perceived positions in society that are used to classify individuals.
Social statuses
What are the 3 key types of statuses?
- ascribed
- achieved
- master
________ status is one that is given involuntarily (usually at birth), due to race, ethnicity, sex, and family background.
________ status is a status that is gained as a result of one’s efforts or choices, such as being a doctor.
People can hold multiple statuses at the same time (status set), but one’s ________ status is the status by which a person is most identified. Affects them the most and how people view themselves.
Each status is associated with ________, or sets of beliefs, values, attitudes, and norms that define expectations for those who hold the status.
________ ________________ is the carrying out of behaviors associated with a given role.
Role performance
Behaviors and expectations change as a result of the ________ ____________, the person with whom one is interacting.
role partner
The various roles associated with a particular status are referred to as a ________ ________.
role set
________ ________ is the difficult in satisfying the requirements/expectaions of multiple roles.
Role conflict
________ ________ is the difficult in satisfying multiple requirements of the same role.
Role strain
________ ________ is the dropping of one identity for another.
Role exit
A ________ consists of 2+ people who share any number of similar characteristics and a sense of unity.
The simplest of social groups is called a ________ (2 people), followed by a ________ (3 people.
dyad; triad
An ___-_______ is a social group with which a person experiences a sense of belonging or identifies as a member. An ____-________ refers to a social group with which an individual does not identify.
Negative feelings towards an out-group are usually generated not by dislike of the out-group but rather absence of favoritism for the out-group compared to the in-group
Out-groups can sometimes compete with or oppose in-groups, creating ________ ________.
group conflict
A ________ ________ is a group that consists of self-selected equals associated by similar interests, ages, or statuses.
peer group
provides friendship and feelings of belonging
A ________ ________ is not self-selected, but determined by birth, adoption, and marriage.
family group
____________ ________ are groups that individuals use a standard for evaluating themselves.
Reference groups
In a ________ group, interactions between members are direct, with close bonds providing warm, personal, and intimate relationships. They last a long time and include a core circle of friends, tightly knit family, or team members.
In a ________________ group, interactions are impersonal and businesslike, usually with few emotional bonds and with the goals of accomplishing specific purpose.s
German scoiologist Ferdinand Tonnies distinguishes 2 major types of groups. His theory is known as ________________ ____ ________________, which translates to community and society.
Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft
Gemeinschaft (________________) refers to groups unified by feelings of togetherness due to shared beliefs, ancestry, or geography, e.g. families and neighborhoods.
Gesellschaft (________) refers to less personal groups formed out of mutual self-interests working toward the same goal, e.g. companies and countries.
________ ________ ________ is a technique for observing, classsifying, and measuring interactions within small groups.
Interaction process analysis
Interaction process analysis was revised in the 70s to the ________ for ________ ________ ___________ ____ ___________ (SYMLOG), which is based on the belief that there are 3 fundamental dimensions of interaction: dominance vs. submission, friendliness vs. unfriendliness, and instrumentally controlled vs. emtoinally expressive.
system for multiple level observation of groups
_______ ___________ is when individuals are compliant with the group’s goals, even when the group’s goals may be in direct contrast to the individual’s goal. This is an attempt to fit in and be accepted.
Group conformity
____________ is related to group conformity and occurs when members focus on reaching a consensus at the cost of critical evaluation of relevant informaiton.
The term ________ is used to describe the observable pattern of social relationships among individuals or groups.
If there are overlappting connections in a network with the same individual, this is called ________ ________.
network redundancy
____________ networks are dense with strong ties, whereas ________ networks are looser and contain weaker ties.
Immediate; distance
friends vs. acquaintances
________________ are complex secondary groups that are set up to achieve specific goals and are characterized by having structure and culture, e.g. frats, political orgs, music groups, etc.
The modern ________ organization developed during the Industrial Revolution as a way to maximize efficeincy; derives from explicit goals that guide members and activities.
The basic organization of society is found in its ________________ ________________. In prehistoric times, this was usually the kin, clan, or sib. Today, cities are the urban centers of trade and commerce, thus bureaucracy is now this thing.
characteristic institution
A ________________ is a rational system of political organization, administration, discipline, and control.
slow to change and less efficient
The ________ ________ of ________________ states that democratic or bureaucratic systems naturally shift to being ruled by an elite group because of the necessity of a core body of individuals to carry out day-to-day activities, need for specialization, and leadership characteristics of specific members.
iron law of oligarchy
________________ is commonly used to refer to a shift in focus toward efficiency, predictability, calculability, and control in societal practices.
Whenever we try to influence others’ perception with respect to a person, object, or event, we are engaging in ________________ ________________.
impression management
One form of impression management is ________-________________, the process of displaying ourselves to society both visually and through our actions, often to make others see us as best as possible.
The ________ ________ of ________________ ________________ was first extablished by Charles Darwin. He said that emotional expression involves components like facial expression, behavior, posture, vocal change, and physiological change.
basic model of emotinal expression
The ____________ model is closely related to the basic model of emotional expression and accepts that there are biologically predetermined expressions once an emotion is expereinced, but that there is a cognitive antecedent to emotional expression.
The ________ ________________ model assumes that there is no biological basis for emotions, rather they are based on expereinces and situational context alone. Certain emotions can only exist within social encounters and emotions are expressed differently across cultures.
social construction
must be familiar with social norms for a certain emotion to perform the corresponding emotional behaviors in a given social situation
Cultural expectaions of emotions are often referred to as ________ rules.
A cultural ____________ is a shared set of beliefs, attitudes, norms, values, and behaviors among members of the same culture that are organized around a celentral theme. They influence the rules for expressing/suppressing emotions and influence how they are experienced.
________________ ________________ refers to our attempts to influence how others perceive us. This id one by regulating or controlling information we present about ourselves in social interactions.
Impression management
There are three different types of selves in relation to impression management. What are they?
- Authentic self
- Ideal self
- Tactical self
The ________________ self describes who the person actually is, including both positive and negative attributes.
The ________ self is who we would like to be under optimal circumstances.
The ____________ self is who we market ourselves to be when we adhere to others’ expectations of us.
tactical (like ought)
________-________________ is giving information about oneself to establish an identity.
________ ________ involves using props, appearance, emotional expression, or associations with others to create a positive image.
Managing appearances
____________ involves using flattery or conforming to expectations to win someone over.
________ ________ involves making questionable behavior acceptable through excuses.
Aligning actions
________-________ involves imposing an identity onto another person
Erving Goffman described impression management through the ________________ ________, using the metaphor of a theatrical performance to describe how individuals create images of themselves in various situations.
dramaturgical approach
A person’s ________ ________ ________ is the persona they present to an audience, it will adapt based on the situation.
front stage self
The ________ ________ ________ is the persona adopted when not in a social situation and there is no concern about upholding the performance of a desired public image.
back stage self
George Herbert Mead described the self in 2 parts called the Me and the I. The part of self that is developed through interaction with society is the Me. The development of Me comes from considering the ________________________ ____________, which based on a person’s perceptions of the expectations of society.
generalized other