Chapter 9 - Observation & Discovery / Diagnosis & Pathology Flashcards
endo / card / ium
inside / heart / tissue
epi / card / ium
upon / heart / tissue
tissue lining the outside of the heart
myo / card / ium
muscle / heart / tissue
heart muscle tissue
peri / card / ium
around / heart / tissue
tissue around the heart
brady / card / ia
slow / heart / condition
slow heartbeat
cardio / megaly
heart / enlargement
enlarged heart
cardio / toxic
heart / poison
poisonous to the heart
cyan / osis
blue / condition
bluish appearance to the skin - a sign that the tissue isn’t receiving enough oxygen
Latin for grumble or hum
abnormal heart sound
tachy / card / ia
fast / heart / condition
rapid heartbeat
vena cava
vena cava
vein hollow
large-diameter vein that gathers blood from the lower portion of the body
inferior vena cava
inferior vena cava
lower vein hollow
portion of the vena cava that gathers blood from the lower portion of the body
superior vena cava
superior vena cava
upper vein hollow
portion of the vena cava that gathers blood from the upper portion of the body (head and arms)
angio / genesis
vessel / creation
development of blood vessels
angio / lith
vessel / stone
stone forming in the wall of a blood vessel
angio / poiesis
vessel / formation
formation of blood vessels
angio / scler / osis
vessel / hard / condition
hardening of a blood vessel
aort / ectasia
aorta / dilation
dilation of the aorta
aortic stenosis
aort / ic sten / osis
aorta / pertaining to narrow / condition
narrowing of the aorta
aorto / lith
aorta / stone
stone deposit in the wall of the aorta
arterio / lith
artery / stone
stone in the artery
arterio / rrhexis
artery / rupture
rupture of an artery
arterio / scler / osis
artery / hard / condition
hardening of an artery
athero / genesis
fatty plaque / creation
formation of fatty plaque on the wall of an artery
athero /scler / osis
fatty plaque / hard / condition
hardening of an artery due to build-up of fatty plaque
em / bolus
in / throw
mass of matter present in the blood
*In Greek this word means stopper, as in the opening of a bottle
embol / ism
embolus / condition
blockage in a blood vessel caused by an embolus
isch / emia
hold back / blood condition
blockage of blood flow to an organ
Latin for the close off
closing or blockage of a passage
phlebo / scler / osis
vein / hard / conditon
hardening of a vein
Greek for lump, clot or even curd of milk
blood clot
varicose veins
varicose veins
swollen / twisted veins
an enlarged, dilated vein toward the surface of the skin
vaso / spasm
vessel / involuntary contraction
involuntary contraction of a blood vessel
veno / scler / osis
vein / hard / condition
hardening of a vein
veno / spasm
vein / involuntary contraction
involuntary contraction of a vein
veno / stasis
vein / standing
trapping of blood in an extremity due to compression
*This name refers not to the fact that the blood is trapped but, instead, to the fact that the blood is standing still and not moving
angio / gram
vessel / record
record of the blood vessels
angio / graphy
vessel / writing procedure
procedure to describe the blood vessels
angio / scope
vessel / device for looking
decice for looking into a blood vessel
aorto / gram
aorta / record
record of the aorta
arterio / gram
artery / record
record of an artery
cardiac catheterization
cardi / ac catheter / ization
heart / pertaining to catheter / procedure
process of inserting a tube (catheter) into the heart
echo / cardio / gram
echo / heart / record
image of the heart produced using sound waves; the same procedure as an ultrasound performed on pregnant women, but instead it is performed on a heart
echo / cardio / graphy
echo / heart / writing procedure
use of sound waves to produce an image of the heart; the same procedure as an ultrasound performed on pregnant women, but instead it is performed on a heart
electro / cardio / gram
electricity / heart / record
record of the electrical currents of the heart
electro / cardio / graphy
electricity / heart / writing procedure
procedure for recording the electrical currents of the heart
sono / graphy
sound / writing procedure
use of sound waves to produce diagnostic images; also called ultrasound
stress electrocardiogram
stress electro / cardio / gram
stress electricity / heart / record
records electrical signals of the heart while the patient experiences increases of exercise stress
transesophageal echocardiogram
trans / esophag / eal
through / esophagus / pertaing to
echo / cardio / gram
echo / heart / record
record of the heart using sound waves performed by inserting the transducer into the esophagusvascular
vascular endoscopy
vascul / ar endo / scopy
vessel / pertaining to inside / looking procedure
procedure to look inside a blood vessel
veno / gram
vein / record
record of a vein
blood pressure
blood pressure
the force exerted by blood on the walls of blood vessels
diastolic pressure
dia / stol / ic pressure
through / send / pertaining to
pressure exerted on blood vessels when heart is relaxed
systolic pressure
sys / stol / ic pressure
togerther / send / pertaining to
pressure exerted on blood vessels when heart is contracting
cardio / logist
heart / specialist
heart specialist
cardio / logy
heart / study
branch of medicine dealing with the heart
cardio / vascul / ar
heart / vessel / pertaining
pertaining to the heart and blood vessels
Latin for to go in a circle
moving of blood from the heart through the vessels and back to the heart
coronary circulation
coron / ary circulation
heart / pertaining to
circulation of blood from the heart to the heart muscle (the heart always feeds itself first)
pulmonary circulation
pulmon / ary circulation
lung / pertaining to
circulation of blood from the heart to the lungs (to oxygenate it)
systemic circulation
sys / stem / ic circulation
together / stand / pertaining to
circulation of blood from the heart to the rest of the body
phlebo / logist
vein / specialist
specialist in veins
phlebo / logy
vein / study
study of veins
phelbo / tom / ist
vein / incision / specialist
one who draws blood
phlebo / tomy
vein / incision
incision into a vein - the technical term for drawing blood
angio / card / itis
vessel / heart / inflammation
inflammation of the heart vessels
atrial fibrillation
arti / al fibrill / ation
artrium / pertaining to little fibers / process
quivering or spontaneous contraction of muscle fibers in the heart’s artium
atrial septal defect (ASD)
atri / al sept / al
artrium / pertaining to septum / pertaining to
de / fect
bad / made
flaw in the septum that divides the two atria of the heart
cardiac arrest
cardi / ac arrest
heart / pertaining to stop
cessation of function circulation
cardio / myo / pathy
heart / muscle / disease
disease of the heart muscle
congestive cardiomyopathy
con / gestive cardiomyopathy
together / bring
heart cavity is unable to pump all the blood out of itself (congestive) and becomes stretched (dilated), which causes weak/slow pumping of blood
dilated cardiomyopathy
dilated cardiomyopathy
another term for congestive cardiomyopathy
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
hyper / troph / ic cardiomyopathy
over / developed / pertaining to
heart muscle becomes enlarged and blocks blood flow
restrictive cardiomyopathy
re / strict / ive cardiomyopathy
back / tied / pertaining to
heart muscle hardens, restricting the expansion of the heart, thus limiting the amount of blood it can pump to the rest of the body
card / itis
heart / inflammation
inflammation of the heart
congenital heart defect
con / genit / al heart de / fect
together / birth / pertaining to heart bad / made
flaw in the structure of the hear present at birth
congestive heart failure (CHF)
con / gest / ive heat failure
together / bring / pertaining to
heart failure characterized by the heart cavity being unable to pump all the blood out of itself (congestive)
coronary thrombosis
coron / ary thromb / osis
heart / pertaining to clot / condition
obstruction of a coronary artery by a clot
endo / card / itis
inside / heart / inflammation
inflammation of the tissue lining the inside of the heart
myocardial infarction (MI)
myo / cardi /al in / farc / tion
muscle / heart / pertaining to in / stuff / condition
death of heart muscle tissue
*The term infarction originally referred to a blocked vessel, but it came to refer to the death of tissue resulting from the blockage
myocardial ischemia
myo / cardi / al isch / emia
muscle / heart / pertaining to hold back / blood condition
blockage of blood to the heart muscle
myo / card / itis
muscle / heart / inflammation
inflammation of the heart muscle
pericardial effusion
peri / cardi / al ef / fusion
around / heart / pertaining to out / pour
fluid pouring out into to tissue around the heart
peri / card / itis
around / heart / inflammation
inflammation of the tissue around the heart
valvul / itis
valve / inflammation
inflammation of a heart valve
ventricular septal defect (VSD)
ventricul / ar sept / al de / fect
ventricle / pertaining to septum / pertaining to bad / made
flaw in the septum that divides the two ventricles of the heart
an / eury / sm
up / wide / condition
bulge in a blood vessel
angio / edema
vessel / swelling
swelling of the blood vessels
angi / oma
vessel / tumor
blood vessel tumor
aortic aneurysm
aort / ic an / eury / sm
aorta / pertaining to up / wide / condition
bulging of swelling of the aorta
aortic regurgitation
aort / ic re / gurgit / ation
aorta / pertaining to back / bubble / condition
flow of blood backward from the aorta into the heart; caused by a weak heart valve
aort / itis
aorta / inflammation
inflammation of the aorta
arterio / pathy
artery / disease
disease of the arteries
arter / itis
artery / inflammation
inflammation of the arteries
deep vein thrombosis
deep vein thromb / osis
deep vein clot / condition
formation of a blood clot in a vein deep in the body, most commonly the leg
hyper / tens / ion
over / stretch / condition
high blood pressure
hypo / tens / ion
under / stretch / condition
low blood pressure
normo / tens / ion
normal / stretch / condition
normal blood pressure
phleb / itis
vein / inflammation
inflammation of the veins
phlebo / sten / osis
vein / narrow / condition
narrowing of the veins
thrombo / phleb / itis
clot / vein / inflammation
inflammation of vein caused by a clot
vascul / itis
vessel / inflammation
inflammation of blood vessels