Chapter 5 - Observation & Discovery / Diagnosis & Pathology Flashcards
cerebral angiography
cerebr / al angio / graphy
brain / pertaining to vessel / writing procedure
procedure used to examine blood vessels in the brain
echo / encephalo / graphy
echo / brain / writing procedure
procedure used to examine the brain using sound waves
electroencephalography (EEG)
electro / encephalo / graphy
electricity / brain / writing procedure
procedure used to examine the electrical activity of the brain
encephalo / graphy
brain / writing procedure
procedure for studying the brain
lumbar puncture (LP)
lumb / ar puncture
lower back / pertaining to
inserting a needle into the lumbar region of the spine in order to collect spinal fluid commonly called a “spinal tap”
magnetic resonance angiography (MRA)
angio / graphy
vessel / writing procedure
procedure used to examine blood vessels
myelo / gram
spinal cord / record
image of the spinal cord, usually done using x-ray
positron emission tomography (PET) scan
e / mission tomo / graphy
out / send cut / writing procedure
an imaging procedure that uses radiation (position) to produce cross sections of the brain
transcranial doppler sonography
trans / cranial doppler sono/ graphy
through / skull doppler sound/ writing procedure
an imaging technique that produces an image of the brain using sound waves sent through the skull
cerebell / itis
cerebellum / inflammation
inflammation of the cerebellum
cerebral atrophy
cerebr / al a / trophy
brain / pertaining to no / nourishment
wasting away of brain tissue
dur / itis
dura / inflammation
inflammation of the dura
encephalo / cele
brain / hernia
hernia of the brain (normally a defect in the skull)
hema / toma
blood / tumor
a tumor-like mass made up of blood
cranial hematoma
crani / al hemat / oma
brain / pertaining to blood / tumor
a hematoma beneath the skull
epidural hematoma
epi / dur / al hemat / oma
upon / dura / pertaining to blood / tumor
a hematoma located on top of the dura
intracerebral hematoma
intra / cerebr / al hemat / oma
inside / brain / pertaining to blood / tumor
a hematoma located in the brain
subdural hematoma
sub / dur / al hemat / oma
beneath / dura / pertaining to blood / tumor
a hematoma located beneath the dura
macro / cephal / y
large / brain / condition
abnormally large head
micro / cephal / y
small / brain / condition
meningo / cele
meninges / hernia
a hernia of the meninges
myelo/ cele
spinal cord / hernia
a hernia of the spinal cord
myelo / malacia
spinal cord / softening
abnormal softening of the spinal cord
myelo/ meningo / cele
spinal cord / meninges / hernia
a hernia of the spinal cord and meninges
neur / itis
nerve / inflammation
nerve inflammation
neur / oma
nerve / tumor
a nerve tumor
neuro / scler / osis
nerve / hardening / condition
hardening of nerves
poly / neur / itis
many / nerve / inflammation
inflammation of multiple nerves
a / gnos / ia
not / knowledge / condition
inability to comprehend
a / path / y
no / suffering / condition
lack of emotion
a / topo / gnosis
no / place / knowledge
inability to locate a sensation
hyper / kinesia
over / movement
increased in muscle movement or activity
neur / asthenia
nerve / weakness
nerve weakness
neuro / glyco / penia
nerve / sugar / deficiency
deficiency of sugar that interferes with normal brain activity
Greek for nod
involuntary back and forth eye movement
prosop / a / gnos / ia
face / no / knowledge / condition
inability to recognize faces
an / estesio / logist
no / sensation / specialist
doctor who specializes in anethesiology
afferent nerve
af / ferent nerve
toward / carry
a verve the carries impulses toward the central nervous system
efferent nerve
ef / ferent nerve
away / carry
a nerve that carries impulses away from the central nervous system
neuro / gen / ic
nerve / creation / pertaining to
originating from/created by nerves
psycho / gen / ic
mind / creation / pertaining to
originating in/ created by the mind
psych / iartist
mind / specialist
doctor who specializes in the treatment of the mind
psych / iatry
mind / specialty
branch of medicine that focuses on the treatment of the mind
psycho / logist
mind / specialist
doctor who specializes in the study of the mind
psycho / logy
mind / study
branch of medicine that focuses on the study of the mind
psycho / somat / ic
mind / body / pertaining to
pertaining to the relationship b/t the body and the mind
idio / path / ic
private / disease / pertaining to
having no known cause or origin
inter / ictal
between / seizure
time b/t seizures
post / ictal
after / seizure
time after a seizure
pre / ictal
before / seisure
time before a seizure
ton / ic
muscle / pertaining to
pertaining to muscle tone (normally weak or unresponsive)
Greek for violent
muscle spasm or twitching
tonic-clonic seizure
ton / ic clon / ic
muscle / pertaining to spasm / pertaining to
a seizure characterized by both a tonic and clonic phase
cerebrovascular accident (CVA)
cerebro / vascul / ar
brain / blood vessel / pertaining to
an accident involving the blood vessels of the brain
loss of brain function caused by interruption of blood flow/supply to the brain
hemorrhagic stroke
hemo / rrhag / ic
blood / excessive bleeding / pertaining to
a stroke where the blood loss is caused by the rupture of a blood vessel
ischemic stroke
isch / em / ic
hold back / blood / pertaining to
a stroke where the blood loss is caused by a blockage
transient ischemic attack (TIA)
trans / ient isch/ em / ic
across / go hold back / blood / pertaining to
a “mini-stroke” caused by the blockage of a blood vessel, which resolves (goes away) within 24 hrs.
cerebrovascular disease
cerebro / vascul / ar
brain / blood vessel / pertaining to
a disease of the blood vessels of the brain
cerebral aneurysm
cerebr / al an / eury / sm
brain / pertaining to out / wide / condition
the widening or abnormal dilation of a blood vessel in the brain
cerebral arteriosclerosis
cerebr / al arterio / scler / osis
brain / pertaining to artery / hardening / condition
the hardening of an artery in the brain
cerebral atherosclerosis
cerebr / al athero/ scler / osis
brain / pertaining to fatty / hardening / condition
the hardening of an artery in the brain caused by the buildup of fatty plaque
cerebral embolism
cerebr / al embol / ism
brain / pertaining to stopper / condition
the blockage of a blood vessel in the brain caused by a foreign object (embolus) such as fat of bacteria
cerebral thrombosis
cerebr / al thromb/ osis
brain / pertaining to clot / condition
the blockage of a blood vessel in the brain caused by a blood clot
cranio / malacia
skull / softening
abnormal softening of the skull
cranio / scler / osis
skull / hardening / condition
abnormal hardening of the skull
cranio / sten / osis
skull / narrow / condition
abnormal narrowing of the skull
cranio / syn / ost / osis
skull / together / bone / condition
premature fusing of the skull bone
hydro / cephal / y
water / head / condition
abnormal accumulation of spinal fluid in the brain
cerebell / itis
cerebellum / inflammation
inflammation of the cerebellu
cerebro / mening/ itis
brain / meninges / inflammation
inflammation of the brain and meninges
encephal / itis
brain / inflammation
inflammation of the brain
encephalo / myel / itis
brain / spinal cord / inflammation
inflammation of the brain and spinal cord
encephalo / myelo / neuro / pathy
brain / spinal cord / nerve / disease
disease of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves
encephalo / pathy
brain / disease
disease of the brain
encephalo / py / osis
brain / pus / condition
a pus-filled abscess in the brain
gangli / itis
ganglion / inflammation
inflammation of a ganglion
gangli / oma
ganglion / tumor
ganglion tumor
intracerebral hemorrhage
intra / cerebr / al hemo / rrhage
inside / brain / pertaining to blood / excessive bleeding
excessive bleeding inside the brain
meningo / pathy
meninges / disease
disease of the meninges
meningi / oma
meninges / tumor
tumor of the meninges
meningo / encephal / itis
meninges / brain / inflammation
inflammation of the meninges and brain
myel / itis
spinal cord / inflammation
inflammation of the spinal cord
myel / dys / plas / ia
spinal cord / bad / formation / condition
defective formation of the spinal cord
myelo / pathy
spinal cord / disease
disease of the spinal cord
neuro / arthro / pathy
nerve / joint / disease
disease of the joint associated with nerves
neuro / pathy
nerve / disease
disease of the nervous system
polio / myel / itis
gray / spinal cord / inflammation
inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord
poly / neuro / pathy
many / nerve / disease
disease affecting multiple nerves
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
a / myo / troph / ic lateral scler / osis
not / muscle / nourishment / pertaining to side hardening / condition
a degenerative disease of the central nervous system causing loss of muscle control
*Literally , the hardening (sclerosis) of the nerve cells on the sides (lateral) of the spine leading to the loss of muscle tissue for disuse
an /orex / ia
no / appetite / condition
an eating disorder characterized by the patient’s refusal to eat
aut / ism
self / condition
a psychiatric disorder characterized by withdrawal from communication with others; the patient is focused only on the self
bu / lim / ia
ox / hunger / condition
an eating disorder characterized by overeating and usually followed by forced vomiting
cerebral palsy
cerebr / al palsy
brain / pertaining to paralysis
paralysis caused by damage to the area of the brain responsible for movement
*palsy is a less common word for paralysis
dys / phor / ia
bad / carry / condition
a negative emotional state
eu / phor / ia
good / carry / condition
a positive emotional state
epi / lepsy
upon / seize
a dsease marked by seizure
hypo / mania
under / excessive anger
a mental state just below mania
manic depression (dipolar)
manic depression
excitement depression
a psychiatric disorder characterized by alternating bouts of excitement and depression
my / asthenia
muscle / weakness
muscle weakness
narco / lepsy
sleep / seize
a disease characterized by sudden, uncontrolled sleepiness
neur / osis
nerve / condition
a nerve condition
psych / osis
mind / condition
a mind condition
*both neurosis and psychosis are general terms of psychiatric conditions but a neurosis doesn’t interfere with rational thought or daily functioning; a psychosis involves some sort of break with reality
psycho / pathy
mind / disease
a mental illness
schizo / phren / ia
divide / mind / condition
a mental illness characterized by delusions, hallucinations and disordered speech
- Schizo refers to the division in the mind b/t the mind itself and reality, not the division of the mind into multiple personalities