Chapter 3 - Skin Chg's/Tumors/Infections/Inflammations Flashcards
decubitus ulcer
de / cubitus ulcer
down / lie sore
bed sore
dermat / osis
skin / condition
skin condition
dermo / pathy
skin / disease
skin disease
Greek for boil over
a red itchy rash that may weep or ooze, then become crusted and scaly
atopic dermatitis
a / top / ic dermat /itis
not / place / pertaining to skin / inflammation
hyper / trich / osis
over / hair / condition
excessive growth of hair
ichthy / osis
fish scale / condition
a condition in the skin that is dry and scaly resembling fish scales
postpartum alopecia
post / partum alopecia
after / birth baldness
baldness experienced by women after a pregnancy
sclero / dermat / itis
hard / skin / inflammation
inflammation of the skin accompanied by thickening and hardening
scler / onych / ia
hard / nail / condition
thickening and hardening of the nails
xanth / osis
yellow / condition
yellowing of the skin
actinic keratosis
actin / ic kerat / osis
sun ray / pertaining to horny / condition
horny skin condition caused by sun exposure
basal cell carcinoma
basal cell carcin / oma
base cell cancer / tumor
cancerous tumor of basal skin cells
hidr /aden / oma
sweat / gland / tumor
tumor of the sweat glands
malignant cutaneous neoplasm
malignant cutane / ous neo / plasm
harmful skin / pertaining to new / formation
a harmful new formation of skin tissue (i.e. skin cancer)
malignant melanoma
malignant melan / oma
bad black / tumor
squamous cell carcinoma
squam / ous cell carcin / oma
scale / pertaining to cell cancer / tumor
cancerous tumor of squamous skin cells
acne vulgaris
acne vulgaris
acne common
inflammation of the skin follicles
dermato / myc /osis
skin / fungus / condition
a fungal skin condition
hidr / aden / itis
sweat / gland / inflammation
inflammation of the sweat glands
Latin, for to attack
a highly contagious bacterial infection of the skin
myco / dermat / itis
fungus / skin / inflammation
inflammation of the skin caused by fungus
myc / osis
fungus / condition
a fungal condition
onchyo / dys / trophy
nail / bad / nourishment
poor nourishment (and development) of the nail
onchyo / myc /osis
nail / fungus / condition
a fungal condition of the nail
tricho / myc / osis
hair / fungus / condition
a fungal condition of the hair
actinic dermatitis
actinic dermat / itis
sun ray skin / inflammation
inflammation of the skin caused by sun exposure
dermat / itis
skin / inflammation
inflammation of the skin
dermato / coni / osis
skin / dust / condition
a skin condition caused by dirt
seborrheic dermatitis
sebo / rrhe / ic dermat / itis
oil / discharge / pertaining to skin / inflammation
steat / itis
fat / inflammation
inflammation of fat tissue