Chapter 9: Muscles and Muscle Tissues Flashcards
Muscle Fiber
skeletal muscle or smooth muscle CELL; but NOT a cardiac muscle cell
What prefixes mean “muscle”?
myo, mys, sarco
What are the types of muscle tissue?
skeletal, cardiac, smooth
Skeletal Muscle Tissue
attached via tendon to bone (most); striated and voluntary
Cardiac Muscle Tissue
striated (but not as distinct as skeletal), involuntary and ahs intercalated discs; branched
Smooth Muscle Tissue
walls of hollow organs; nonstriated and involuntary
Characteristics of Muscles in General
excitability, contractility, extensibility, and elasticity
aka responsiveness; ability to respond to a stimulus by changing its membrane potential
ability to shorten forcibly when adequately stimulated
ability to stretch when relaxed
ability to recoil after stretching
Functions of Muscles
produce movement; maintain posture and body position; stabilize joints (muscle tone); generate heat
Structural Hierarchy of Skeletal Muscle
biggest to smallest; muscle (a bunch of fascicles) to fascicle (bunch of muscle fibers) to muscle fiber (cell)
What tissues are involved with skeletal muscles?
muscle fibers, blood vessels (muscle is well vascularized), connective tissue sheaths, attachments
Nerve and Blood Supply of Skeletal Muscle
has 1 nerve, 1 artery and 1 or more veins that supply each muscle; all enter or exit near muscle center
Connective Tissue Sheaths
epimysium, perimysium, endomysium
dense irregular CT that surrounds the entire muscle
dense irregular CT that surrounds a fascicle (bundle of muscle fibers)
areolar CT that surrounds each muscle fiber
Attachments of Skeletal Muscles
all skeletal muscles have at least 2 points of attachment; an insertion and origin
end of muscle attached to bone that moves
end of muscle attached to bone that move less
Origins and Insertions may be…
direct or indirect
epimysium of muscle fused to periosteum or perchondrium
tendon or aponeurosis anchors muscle to periosteum, perichondrium or epimysium of another muscle
Deep Fascia
what connective tissue sheaths and attachments are collectively referred to as
What does each skeletal muscle fiber have?
sarcolemma, sarcoplasm, special structures such as myofibrils, sarcoplasmic reticulum, and T Tubules
plasma membrane of muscle fibers
cytoplasm of muscle fibers; contains large number of mitochondria, glycosomes (glycogen granules), and myoglobin (stores O2)
make up 80% of cell volume; extend entire length or muscle cell; each consists of sarcomeres (repeating units) laid end to end with an internal arrangement of myofilaments
Smallest contractile units (functional units) or skeletal muscle; contain a dark A band and 1/2 of a light I band