Chapter 14: The Autonomic Nervous System Flashcards
ANS consists of motor neurons that…
innervate smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands
Somatic Nervous System
voluntary; each motor neuron extends from CNS to its effector (skeletal muscle); cell bodies located in CNS and axons heavily myelinated; neurotransmitter is acetycholine; stimulatory
Autonomic Nervous System
visceral NS; involuntary; 2 motor neurons connect CNS to effectors (cardiac, smooth muscle, or glands); has preganglionic and postganglionic neurons
Preganglionic Neurons
extends from CNS to postganglionic neuron; cell body located in CNS; axons lightly myelinated; releases ACh
Postganglionic Neurons
extends from presynaptic neruons to effector; cell body lcoated in a autonomic ganglion; axon nonmyelinated; releases either ACh or noepinephrine; stimulatory or inhibtory
Subdivision of ANS
parasympathetic and sympathetic divsions innervate same visceral organs (dual innervation), but have opposite effects; work together to maintain homeostasis
Parasympathetic Division
rest and digest; craniosacral division; promotes maintenance functions (digestion, defacation, urination) and conserves energy; fibers exit CNS in cranial nerves III, VII, IX, and X and from S2-S4 region of spinal cord; preganglionic fibers long; postganglionic fibers short; both are cholenergic (release ACh); terminal ganglion located in or near visceral effecotr organs
Sympathetic Division
fight or flight; thoracolumbar division; mobilizes body during action (exercise, excitement, emergency, embarrassment); reduces non-essential activities; fibers exit from lateral horns of T1-L2 region of spinal cord; preganglionic fibers short and cholinergic (release ACh); post gangliionic fibers long and adrenergic (release NE); ganglia located near spinal cord
Preganglionic and Postganglionic Sympathetic Neurons can Synapse at 3 Different Locations
within a sympathetic trunk ganglion at the same time; within sympathetic trunk ganglion at a higher or lower level; pass through sympathetic trunk to synapse in a collateral ganglion anterior to the vertebral column
What stimulates the adrenal medulla directly?
preganglionic sympathetic neurons; parasympathetic system has nothing to do with adrenal galnds
Autonomic (Visceral) Reflexer
autonomic reflex arcs have same 5 components as somatic reflex arcs; there are differences: afferent fibers are visceral sensory rather tahn somatic sensory neurons, 2 consecutive motor neurons, effectors are smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and/or glands; ex) pupillary reflex, vomiting reflex, defacation reflex, micturition reflex
Hypothalamus is the…
main integration center of ANS–coordiantes heart activity, blood pressure, water balance, and endocrine activity
Spinal cord is the..
main integraition center for micturition and defacation but are subject to conscious inhibition (holding/waiting to use the bathroom)