Chapter 9: Intelligence and Psychological testing Flashcards
psychological test
standardized test that measures a sample of someone’s behavior, individual differences
intelligence test
measures general mental ability, potential
aptitude test
specific types of mental abilities, potential
achievement test
mastery of a subject
personality tests
motives, interests, values and attitudes
percentile score
indicates percentage of people who score at or below the score obtained
consistency of a test
correlation coefficient
numerical index of the degree of relationship between two variables
ability of a test to measure what it is supposed to
content validity
is content of test representative of the domain it’s supposed to cover
criterion-related validity
estimated by correlating subjects’ scores on a test with their scores on an independent criterion of the trait assessed by the test
construct validity
the extent to which evidence shows that a test measures a particular hypothetical construct
mental age / age x 100
factor analysis
correlations among many variables are analyzed to identify clusters of variables
fluid intelligence
reasoning ability, memory capacity, speed of information processing
crystallized intelligence
ability to apply acquired knowledge and skills in problem solving
mental retardation/intellectual disability
subnormal general mental ability originating before age 18
upper 2-3% of IQ distribution
heritability ratio
an estimate of the proportion of trait variability in a population that is determined by variations in genetic inheritance
flynn effect
IQ has steadily increased over generations
reaction range
genetically determined limits on IQ
analytical intelligence
abstract reasoning, evaluation, judgement
practical intelligence
ability to deal with everyday problems, tacit knowledge
creative intelligence
generate new ideas and deal with novel problems
appeal to ignorance
no one can prove otherwise
a hypothetical, abstract concept is given a name and treated as if it were concrete
convergent thinking
narrowing down a list of alternatives
divergent thinking
expanding range of alternatives by generating many possible solutions, creativity