Chapter 16 Treatment of Psychological Disorders Flashcards
clinical/counseling psychologists
diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders and everyday problems
physicians that specialize in psychological disorders, more severe, use more medicine
insight therapies
verbal interactions, enhance client’s self-knowledge to promote personality/behavior changes
recovery of unconscious conflicts and motives, free association and transference
free association
clients spontaneously express their thoughts exactly as they occur, with no sensoring
unconscious defensive tactics that prevent progress of therapy
clients unconsciously start relating to their therapist in ways that mimic critical relationships in their lives
client-centered therapy
clients determine pace and direction of treatment
spontaneous remission
recovery from a disorder that occurs without formal treatment
behavior therapies
application of learning principles to change clients’ behaviors
systematic desensitization
reduces anxiety responses through counterconditioning
exposure therapies
patients confront their fears
aversion therapy
aversive stimulus is paired with a stimulus that elicits an undesirable response
social skills training
designed to improve interpersonal skills
modeling, behavioral rehearsal and shaping
cognitive behavioral treatments
verbal interventions and behavioral modifications used to change maladaptive behavior
cognitive therapy
specific strategies used to correct habitual thinking errors
biomedical therapies
physiological interventions intended to reduce symptoms
treatment of mental disorders with medication
mood stabilizers
control mood swings
electroconvulsive therapy
electric shock is used to produce a cortical seizure and convulsitons
transcranial magnetic stimulation
allows scientists to temporarily enhance or depress activity in the brain
deep brain stimulation
thin electrode surgically implanted
antipsychotic drugs
reduce hyperactivity, mental confusion, hallucinations and delusions, decrease activity at dopamine synapses, help 95% of patients, work in 1-3 weeks
tardive dyskinesia
involuntary tic-like movements of the mouth, tongue, face, hands and feet
antidepressant drugs
work gradually in 1-3 weeks, slow reputake process at serotonin synapses
drawing ideas from two or more systems of therapy