Chapter 9: Hair, Skin, Nails Flashcards
fluid-filled sac or lesion that appears when fluid is trapped under a thin layer of the skin
- blister
- vesicle like > 1 cm in diameter
condition affective the fingers and toes in which proliferation of distal tissues, especially the nail beds, results in thickening and widening of the extremities of the digits; the nails are abnormally curved and shiny
- when angle of the nail beds is >180 degrees
skin lesions that become merged, forming a patch;
- lesions that are not discrete, or distinct one from the other
bluish discolorations of the skin, mucous membranes, tongue, lips, or nail beds
- due to an increased concentration of reduced hemoglobin in the circulation
subcutaneous extravasation of blood within the tissues, which results in discoloration of the skin from the blood in the tissues
- aka bruising
a common but nonspecific sign of skin irritation, injury, or inflammation caused by dilation of superficial blood vessels in the skin
- a reddening of the tissue
condition that causes the skin and whites of the eyes to turn yellow
excess growth of scar tissue where the skin has healed
abnormal nail matrix keratinization causing nail plate parakeratosis; also known as white nails
abnormal lesions that form in a line
small, flat, nonpalpable skin color change, less than 1 cm with a circumscribed border
- like a freckle or port-wine stain
congenital, raised, pigmented growth, e.g, a mole
- uniform color
- typically less then 5 mm in diameter
- 10-40 usually above waist or on sun-exposed areas
- clearly defined border
a primary skin lesion that is solid, elevated, hard/soft
- greater than 1 cm in diameter
loss of the pinkish tones of the skin due to the lack of blood flow to the surface of the skin
palpable skin lesions less than 1 cm in diameter
greater then 1 cm, may have irregular border
tiny, purple spots on the skin
- blood vessels that have popped
papules that join to form surface elevation wider than 1 cm
vesicle-like filled with purulent fluid
- aka a pimple
area of irritated or swollen skin; often itchy, red, painful, irritated
area of fibrous tissue that replaces normal skin after an injury
asymmetric, raised, red linear streaks (striae rubrae) that tend to flatten and lighten over time
- commonly called stretch marks
skin elasticity; the ability of skin to change shape and return to normal
small, fluid-filled sacs that can appear on your skin; fluid may be clear, white, yellow, or mixed with blood
-<1 cm in diameter
- blisters
distribution of cutaneous lesions that follow a nerve; a unilateral girdle-like distribution
- can be caused by shingles or herpes
What is vitiligo ?
development of unpigmented patch(s)
- hypopigmentation
- most common in dark skinned individuals
- thought to be auto-immune disorder (melanocytes are destroyed)
- not born with but you develop it over time
What is Albinism ?
genetic absence of melanocytes
- hypopigmentation
What is Melasma ?
darkening of the color across the nose and the cheeks, and the upper lip
- hyperpigmentation
- more common in women
- usually on face
- associated with hormonal changes
- worsened with exposure to sunlight
- aka chloasma “mask of pregnancy”; tends to fade a few months after delivery
- harmless