Chapter 9 - Electrons in Atoms and the Periodic Table Flashcards
Electromagnetic Radiation
a type of energy that travels through space at a constant speed of 3.0 x 10^8 m/s
the distance bw adjacent wave crest
- for visible light, wavelength determines color
- the shorter the wavelength, the greater the energy
Red light
longest visible wavelength
Violet light
shortest visible wavelength
particle of light
a single packet of light energy
-the shorter the wavelength, the greater the energy in photons
ex) violet has a short wavelength and carries more energy per photon
Speed of Light
3.0 x 10^8 m/s
Electromagnetic Spectrum
entire range of electromagnetic radiation from 10^5 m (low energy) to 10^-15 m (high energy)
-visible light is minute(~10^-6.5)
Gamma Ray
shortest wavelength
- produced by sun and stars
- damages visible molecules
pass thru substances that block visible light
- short wavelength
- damages visible molecules
UltraViolet UV light
component of sunlight that produces sunburn or suntan
-damages visible molecules
Visible light
ranges from violet to red
-photons do not damage biological molecules
Infrared Light
- the heat we feel when we place a hand near a hot object is infrared light
- night vision goggles show the infrared light
- used for radars and microwave ovens
- efficiently absorbed by water
Radio Waves
the longest wavelength used to transmit signals used by AM, FM radio, cell phones, tv
Wavelength vs. Frequency vs. Photon
inverse relationship.
High wavelength=Low frequency=Low energy per photon
Emission Spectrum
the result of separating light emitted by an individual element
Bohr Model
- electrons travel around the nucleus in circular orbits at specific fixed distances fr the nucleus (not bw orbits)
- the energy of each Bohr Orbit is quantized and specified by a quantum number
- energy of each orbit increases w/increasing quantum no.
Quantum Number
n: 1,2,3,…
- energy of each orbit increases w/increasing N
Excitation/Relaxation of Electrons
- when energy is put into an atom, electrons are excited into higher-energy orbits
- when an electron relaxes from higher orbits into lower-energy orbits, the atom emits light
- the energy + wavelength of the emitted light corresponds to the energy difference bw the two orbits in the transition
- since the energy is fixed + discrete, the emitted light is also fixed+ discrete