Chapter 17 Radioactivity and Nuclear Chemistry Flashcards
the emission of tiny, invisible particles by the nuclei of certain atoms
the atoms that emit particles
long-lived emission of light that sometimes follows the absorption of light by some atoms and molecules
-the glow in glow-in the-dark toys absorb light and re-emits it
Alpha Radiation
- occurs when an unstable nucleus emits a small piece of itself consisting of 2 protons and 2 neutrons
- highest ionization power
- lowest penetrating power
- dangerous when digested/inhaled, not dangerous when outside of body
Nuclear Equation
- an equation that represents the changes that occur during radioactivity and other nuclear processes
- the identity of an element changes
ex) alpha decay of U-238
23492 U → 23090Th +42He
parent daughters
Parent Nuclide
original atom that forms daughter nuclides in a nuclear equation
Daughter Nuclides
the products in the nuclear equation that forms an element + an alpha particle (42He)
Ionizing Power
- the ability of radiation to ionize molecules + atoms
- ionization in living cells causes damage, destruction, or abnormal reproduction
Penetrating Power
- ability to penetrate matter
- the smaller the size of the particle, the higher the penetrating power
(like a semi-truck in a traffic jam, large has low penetrating power)
Alpha Particle
- results from alpha radiation
- composed of 2 protons + 2 neutrons
- symbol is 42He
- largest of all particles emitted by radioactive nuclei
Beta Radiation
- occurs when an unstable nucleus emits an electron by converting a neutron to a proton
- intermediate ionizing power
- intermediate penetrating power
- 1 Neutron→Proton+Electron
22888Ra→22889Ac + 0-1e
Beta Particle
-midsize particles
Gamma Radiation
- electromagnetic radiation
- emits gamma rays usually with the alpha emission
ex) 23892U > 23490Th + 42He + 00y
Gamma Rays
- high energy (short wavelength) photons
- no charge, no mass
- low ionization power
- high penetrating power
symbol is 00y
Positron Emission
- proton changes into a neutron and emits a positron
- intermediate ionizing power
- intermediate penetrating power
ex) 3015P → 3014Si + 0+1e
-has the mass of an electron but carries a positron but carries a 1+ charge
symbol is 0+1e
Thermoluminescent Dosimeters
-radiation detector which are issued to people working w or near radioactive substances
Geiger-Muller Counter
- device that detects radioactivity
- particles emitted by radioactive nuclei pass thru an argon-filled chamber;
energetic particles create a trail of ionized argon atoms
Scintillation Counter
device to detect radiation instantly
-radioactive emission passes thru a material (like NaI or CsI) that emits ultraviolet/visible light in response to the excitation of energetic particles
the time it takes fr half of the parent nuclides in a radioactive sample to decay into daughter nuclides
- short half-lives = high activity (many decay events per unit of time)
- long half-lives = low activity
Radiocarbon Dating
a technique used to estimate the age of fossils and artifacts
Nuclear Fission
splitting of a heavy nucleus to form 2 or more lighter ones + energy
- emits an enormous amount of energy
ex) the nucleus of a neutron-bombarded Uranium had broken apart into Barium, Krypton, + other smaller particles
Critical Mass
the mass required to induce a chain reaction
Nuclear Fusion
- combination of 2 light nuclei to form a heavier one
- emits a large amt of energy
- energy source of stars + sun
- bases of hydrogen bombs
units of radioactivity
3.7x1010 decay events/second
2.58x10-4 C of charge per kg
“roentgen equivalent man”
-human radiation exposure
20-100: decreased WBC count; cancer
100-400: radiation sickness, skin lesions, cancer
500: death
Isotope Scanning
-radioactive isotope is introduced to the body and radiation emitted by the isotope is detected
-gamma rays are focused on internal tumors to kill them