Chapter 9 Flashcards
How many ppl think that premarital sex is always or almost always wrong?
We believe that sex between unmarrie partners is fine as long as it occurs in the context of a committed caring relationship.
Permissiveness with affection standard
What influences men and women’s differences of opinions about hookups?
Regret- women regret what they did c/w men who regret what they didn’t do.
Social problem where men are seen as studs and women as sluts.
Sexual double standard
2 reasons for why we’re seeing an increase of same-sex couple acceptance.
- Media- modern family etc.
2. We’re understanding that it’s set before birth- not a decision.
How many ppl have sex before marriage?
97%. av age for marriage- mid to late 20s, 17= age of 1st intercourse
Do most teens experience sex to be positive or negative?
Positive- most of the time it is within a committed relationship that gradually increases in sexuality/levels of intimacy eg kissing to petting etc.
2 reasons for why abstinence only campaigns are bad.
- They don’t work.
2. They sometimes do more harm than good. Not less likely to have sex- just less likely to be safe about it.
When asking students at Texas, what w ere the most common reasons for them having sex?
mainly positive- love, affection, attraction
infrequent reasons were more calculating- i was mad at my ex, wanted a raise etc.
4 themes that were related to the list of reasons teen had sex.
- Emotional- communication of love and commitment
- Physical- pleasure and attractiveness
- Pragmatic- goals or accomplish something (jealous to baby)
- Insecurity- wanting to increase one’s SE
How many times do young couples who live together have sex vs ppl who are married?
- about 3 times/week
- 2 times a week
both have more sex than single ppl though on average
What type of sexuality has the least amount of sex?
lesbian ppl
Having sex outside of the couple
Extradyadic sex
Are men or women more likely to cheat on their partners??
Men- looking for sexual variety, while women look for emotional connection
Why does the number of sexual partners vary for M and W in national studies?
- Often don’t include prostitutes
- M and W define sex differently (men more likely to describe oral sex as sex c/w women)
- M more likely to exaggerate than W
The traitlike collections of beliefs and behaviours that describe our feelings about sex.
Sociosexual orientations- restricted vs unrestricted
How can ppl distinguish b/w ppl with restricted vs. unrestricted sociosexual orientations?
Just by their faces!! W have more masculine facial features. Their faces are more attractive- but men often don’t choose them as LT mates as often. M also look more masculine- women don’t choose them as LT mates either
Hypothesis that women can profit from a dual mating strategy in with they find LT mates that can contribute to resources and protection while also finding (2) better genes from other men.
Good genes hypothesis
Sperm of 2 or more men occupy a woman’s vagina at the same time.
Sperm competition
Cybersex acceptance vs porn acceptance
Porn- 75% think it’s ok in a rr
CS- 45% would find it to be serious infidelity
If a women has sex with an HIV infected man how likely is it that they will be infected?
The belief that bad things are more likely to happen to others than to us- so we fail to take sensible precautions that would prevent forseeable dangers.
Illusion of unique invulnerability
The reduction of ppl’s abilities to think about and process all of the info available to them when they are intoxicated.
Alcohol myopia
Ppl wrongly believing that their feelings and beliefs are difference from those of others. A group of ppl can end up following norms that everyone thinks are prevalent but that no one privately supports.
Pluralistic ignorance