Chapter 9 Flashcards
Concepts and Generic Knowledge
Family Resemblance
Members of a category resemble one another. Relies on some number of features being shared by any group of category members, even though these features may not be shared by all members of the category.
Prototype Theory
Mental categories are represented by means of a single prototype identifying the center of the category.
Graded Membership
Objects closer to the prototype are better members of the category than objects farther from the prototype.
Sentence Verification Task
Procedure used for studying memory in which participants are given simple sentences and must respond as quickly as possible whether the sentence is true or false.
Production Task
Procedure used in studying concepts in which the person is asked to name as many examples as possible.
Rating Tasks
Participants must evaluate some item or category with reference to some dimension, usually expressing their response in terms of some number.
Basic-Level Categorization
Level of categorization that is the most informative level. Uses basic level terms such a “car” instead of “Honda.”
Exemplar-Based Reasoning
Categorization relies on knowledge about specific category members rather than the prototype.
Degree to which a particular case is typical for its kind.
Smallest units of knowledge that can be either true or false.
Local Representations
Each node represents one idea, so that when that node is activated, I am thinking about that idea, and when I am thinking about that node is activated.
Connectionist Networks
Approach to theorizing about the mind that relies on parallel distributed processing among elements that provide a distributed representation of the information being considered.
Distributed Representations
Each idea is represented, bot by a certain set of nodes, but instead by means of a specific pattern of activation across the network.
Parallel Distributed Processing
System of handling information in which many steps happen at once and in which various aspects of the problem or task are represented only in a distributed fashion.
Connection Weights
Strength of the individual connections among nodes.
Fuzzy Boundaries
No clear dividing line for membership.