Chapter 9 Flashcards
methods of measuring physical and mental variation in humans (measurement of people)
Sir Francis Galton believed that..
intelligence was something people inherit, so their relatives were a better predictor of intelligence than practice and effort
ability to think, understand, reason and adapt to or overcome obstacles
Stanford-Binet test
test intended to measure innate levels of intelligence
Mental age
the average intellectual ability score for children of a specific age
Intelligence quotient (IQ) calculated by
taking a persons mental age, dividing it by his chronological age, then multiplying it by 100
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)
most common intelligence test in use for adolescents and adults
What score is normal for WAIS
2 major sub scales of WAIS
- general ability index
- cognitive proficiency index
Raven’s Progressive Matrices
intelligence test that is based on pictures, not words, thus making it relatively unaffected by language or cultural background
Stereotype threat
occurs when negative stereotypes about a group cause group members to under perform on ability tests
Carol Dwerk believed two theories about nature of intelligence
- entity theory
- incremental theory
Entity theory
beilef that intelligence is a fixed characteristic and relatively difficulty to change
Incremental theory
belief that intelligence can be shaped by experiences, practice, and effort
individual with low mental capacity in most domains but extraordinary abilities in other specific areas
Factor analysis
statistical technique that examines correlations between variable to find clusters of related variables
General intelligence factor (g)
represented reflected a person mental energy, reflecting some peoples brains are more powerful than others. created by spearman
Fluid intelligence (Gf)
type of intelligence used in learning new info and solving new problems not based on knowledge the person already posses
Crystallized intelligence (Gc)
type of intelligence that draws upon past learning and experience
Triarchic theory of intelligence
theory that divides intelligence into three distinct types: analytical, creative practical
Analytical intelligence also known as
books smart
Practical intelligence also known as
street smart (good for success)
Multiples intelligences
model claiming that there are nine different forms of intelligence, each indecent from the others
Men are better at ___ ____ ____ while females outperform men on _____ _____
mental rotation tasks; verbal fluency
Heritability of intelligence is estimated to be ..
between 40-80 %
Gene knockout (KO) studies
involve removing a specific gene and comparing the characteristics of animals with and with out that gene
Brain size explains what percent of the IQ test
Increased convolutions (gyris) are associated with..
higher intelligence
Biological underpinnings of intelligence repeatedly emphasize the importance of..
environmental factors
Oldest siblings is said to be smarter due to..
teaching younger siblings due to their personal experience
Growing up in a enriched environment enhances..
brain development and functioning
Children with professional parents are said to have know how many more words than those of parents who are of working class?
10 million more. (30 mill rich, 20 mill poor)
Better diets help with..
higher IQ scores
Too much stresses results in you being..
less healthy and less intelligence
Flynn effect
refers to the steady population level increases intelligence test scores over time
Children who view great deal of television were more likely to..
have attention deficits, lower language development and lower achievement in school
Video deficit
you children do not learn very much from information presented on screens
We can increase that mop t of information in our brain but we cannot …
actual functioning of the brain that makes us intelligent
N-back task
exercise program for working memory
Nootropic substances
substances that are belived to beneficially affect intelligence
Examples of nootropic substances
ritalin and provigil
Mindfullness meditation increases..
thick fullness of white matter in brain resulting inattention and emotional reactions = intelligence
How many days to see effects of meditations
5 days of mindfulness meditation