Chapter 8: Vocab Flashcards
The loss of speech functions; often, but not always, refers to inabilitiy to speak because of brain lesions (Organic)
Articulation Disorder
Abnormal production of speech sounds
Cleft Palate:
A congenital split in the palate that results in a an excessive nasal quality of the voice. Can often be repaired by surgery or a dental appliance.
A type of fluency disorder in which speech is very rapid
A variety within a specific language; can involve variation in pronunciation, word choice, word order, and inflected forms.
Expressive language disorder:
A language impairment that interferes with the production of language; contrast with receptive disorder.
Fluency Disorder:
A speech disorder characterized by atypical rate, rhythm, and repetitions in sounds, syllables, words, and phrases; see stuttering, cluttering
Language Disorder
Impaired comprehension and/or use of spoken, written, or other symbol systems.
Refers to the basic units of meaning in a language and how those units are combined into words.
The smallest unit of sound that can be identified in a spoken language.
Phonological disorder:
A language disorder in which th child produces a give sound sometimes but not others.
linguistic rules governing a language’s sound system
how language is used in a communication context
Receptive language disorder
has trouble understanding language
Expressive language disorder
Has trouble expressing language