Chapter 8 - Pathophysiology Flashcards
What is glycolysis?
The metabolism of glucose where it is broken down into pyruvic acid molecules
What is aerobic metabolism?
The break down of molecules in the presence of oxygen
What is ATP?
Andenosine triphosphate - the energy source for cells
Where is sodium found?
Outside the cell
Where is potassium found?
Inside the cell
What is a patent airway?
One that is open and not obstructed
What is FiO2?
Fraction of inspired oxygen
What is FDO2?
Fraction of delivered oxygen
What is Boyles law?
The volume of gas is inversely proportionate to the pressure
An increase in pressure will decrease the volume of gas
A decrease in pressure will increase the volume of gas
What is cytosol?
The fluid part of a cell
What are the by products of aerobic metabolism?
Heat, carbon dioxide, water
What are the by products of anaerobic metabolism?
Lactic acid and a small amount of ATP
What is perfusion?
The delivery of oxygen, glucose, and other substances to the cell and the elimination of waste products from the cell
What are the components of adequate perfusion?
-composition of air, patent airway, mechanics of ventilation, regulation of ventilation, ventilation/perfusion ratio, transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide by the blood, blood volume, pump function of the myocardium, systemic vascular resistance, micro circulation, blood pressure
What does ambient air consist of?
79% nitrogen
21% oxygen
0.9% argon
0.03% carbon dioxide