Chapter 7 Flashcards
Function of the living body and it’s parts
Structure of the body and the relationship of it parts to each other
Lateral recumbent
Patient lying on left or right side
Sagittarius plane
Vertical plane that divides the body into right and left segments
Frontal or coronal plane
Plane that divides the body into front and back halves
Transverse or horizontal plane
Plane that divides the body into top and bottom halves
Line drawn vertically through the middle of the patients body
Midaxillary line
Imaginary line vertically from the middle of the patients arm pit down to the ankle
Anterior plane
Patients front
Posterior plane
Patients back
Transverse line
Imaginary line horizontally through the patients waist
Towards the front
Towards the back
Towards the head or above the point of reference
Toward the feet or below the point of reference
Towards the back
Towards the front or belly
Towards the midline or center of the body
Refers to the left or right of the midline
Near the point of reference
Distant or far from the point of reference
Sole of the feet
Palm of the hand
Bending towards the body
Straightening away from the body
Movement away from the midline
Movement towards the midline
Turning the forearm so the palm of the hand is turned towards the back
Turning the forearm so the palm of the hand is turned towards the front
Carries blood away from the heart
Supply all other arteries with blood, the major artery from the heart
Coronary arteries
Vessels that supply the heart itself with blood
Carotid arteries
Supply the brain and head with blood
Femoral arteries
Major artery of the thigh and supplies the groin and leg with blood
Dorsalis pedis arteries
Artery in the foot, can be felt on top of the big toes
Posterior tibial arteries
Travels from the calf to the foot, can be felt by the ankle
Brachial arteries
Major artery of the upper arm, can be felt at the front of the elbow, used when determining blood pressure
Radial arteries
Major artery of the arm distal to the elbow joint. Can be felt on the wrist
Pulmonary arteries
Carry oxygen depleted blood to the lungs, where the blood is oxygenated and returned to the heart for circulation through out the body
Smallest kind of artery, carry blood from the arteries into the capillaries
Tiny blood vessel that connects an arteriole to a venule
Smallest branch of the veins, connected to the distal ends of capillaries
Carries blood back to the heart
Venae cavae
Carry oxygen depleted blood back to the right atrium where it begins circulation through the heart and lungs
Pulmonary veins
Carry oxygen rich blood from the lungs to the left atrium
Red blood cells
Carry oxygen to the body cells, and carry carbon dioxide away from the cells
White blood cells
Part of the body’s immune system and help to defend against infection
Essential to the formation of blood clots
Liquid part if the blood, which carries blood cells and transports nutrients to all tissue
Blood pressure
Force exerted by the blood on the interior walls of the arteries
Systolic blood pressure
Exerted against the walls of the arteries whe the left ventricle contracts
Diastolic blood pressure
Pressure exerted against the walls of the arteries when the left ventricle is at rest
Hydrostatic pressure
The force exerted on the inside of the vessel walls as a result of the blood pressure and volume
Swelling occurring in the tissues
The delivery of oxygen, glucose and other nutrients to the cells of all organ systems and the elimination of carbon dioxide
Insufficient supply of oxygen to some of the body’s cells and the inadequate elimination of carbon dioxide that results from inadequate circulation
Where is the tricuspid valve?
Between the right atrium and the right ventricle
Where is the pulmonary valve?
At the base of the pulmonary artery in the right ventricle
Where is the bicuspid aka mitral valve?
Between the left atrium and the left ventricle
Where is the aortic valve?
At the base of the aortic artery in the left ventricle
What is the aorta?
Major artery from the heart that supplies blood to all other arteries
What are coronary arteries?
Supply the heart with blood
What are carotid arteries?
Supply the brain with blood
What are Femoral arteries?
Major arteries of the thigh
What is the pulmonary arteries?
Carry blood from the heart to the lungs and back to the heart
What is the superior vena cava?
Enters the top of the right atrium, carrying oxygen depleted blood from the upper body
What is the inferior vena cava?
Enters the bottom of the right atrium, carrying oxygen depleted blood from the lower body
What is hypoperfusion?
An insufficient supply of oxygen and other nutrients to the body’s cells and the inadequate elimination of carbon dioxide
What does the nervous system control?
Voluntary and involuntary activity of the body
What does the central nervous system consist of?
Brain and spinal cord
What are afferent nerves?
Carry sensory information from the body to the spinal cord
What is a efferent nerve?
Carry motor information from the brain and spinal cord to the body
What does the sympathetic nervous system do?
Is activated when the body is challenged AKA fight or flight
What is the parasympathetic nervous system?
Returns the body functions to normal or depresses body functions
What is RAS?
Reticular activating system - aka wake or sleep center
Alpha 1?
Causes the vessels to constrict
Alpha 2
Regulate the release of alpha 1
Beta 1
Effects everything related to the heart
Beta 2
Causes the smooth muscles to dilate, especially I the bronchioles
What is the acetabulum.
Pelvic socket
Where is the xiphoid process?
Bottom of the sternum
Where is the acromion located?
End of the clavicle
Where is the manubrium located?
Superior portion of the sternum
What is the calcaneus?
Heel bone
What is visceral pleura?
Thin layer of tissue over the lungs
What is the parietal pleura?
Layer of tissue that covers the internal chest wall
Sinoatrial node
What does the pancreas do?
Produces insulin - islets of langerhans
Secretes pancreatic juices that aid in digestion
What does the liver do?
Produces bile, which aids in digestion
Stores sugars
What does the spleen do?
Filters blood and is used as storage for blood
What does the gallbladder do?
Stores bile
What does the small intestine do?
Food is broken down and nutrients are absorbed
What does the large intestine do AKA colon?
Absorbers water from food waste
What is between the vertebra?