Chapter 2 - Workforce Safety Flashcards
What are the 3 types of stress
Acute stress
Delayed stress
Cumulative stress
List the 5 emotional stages?
Denial - not me Anger - why me Bargaining - okay, but first let me Depression - okay, but I haven't Acceptance - okay, I'm not afraid
Cumulative stress
Result of constant exposure to stressful situations that build up over time
Delayed stress reaction
Exposure to high stress situations where the symptoms my be delayed by days, weeks, months or even years
Acute stress reaction
High stress situations where the symptoms appear immediately
Critical incident stress debriefing - usually held within 24 to 72 hours of event
A version of CISD held within 1 to 4 hours following a critical incident
Microorganism that are typically only visible through a microscope
Single celled organisms that have the capability of reproducing on their own within a host
Smaller than bacteria, they can not grow on their own but require a host cell to reproduce
Plant like microorganism that typically do not cause infections in a person a normal functioning immune system
Single celled organisms that are typically found in the soil and are able to move
Parasitic worms such as roundworms, flukes and tapeworms
Purified Protein Derivative Tuberculin test - a yearly test for tuberculosis
What is Hep B, how is it contracted and what are symptoms?
A viruses that affects the liver. It can be contracted through blood and body fluids.
Symptoms - fatigue, yellow skin, dark urine
Hep C - HCV how is it contracted and name some symptoms?
Requires introduction through the skin by needle stick.
Symptoms- jaundice, fatigue, nausea
Sever acute respiratory syndrome - found in Asia in 2003
What is an MCI?
Multiple casualty incident
What are 4 lifestyle changes that can help you deal with stress?
Take a look at your diet
Exercise more often
Learn to relax
Avoid self medication
List types of bacterial infections
Sinus Ear Strep throat Tuberculosis Urinary tract
Name several types of viruses
Common cold or flu AIDS HIV Hepatitis A, B, C Pneumonia
What are standard precautions?
Guidelines OSHA set for personal precautions against diseases caused by blood and other bodily fluids
What does cleaning mean?
Washing soiled objects with soap and water
What does disinfecting mean?
Includes cleaning and using a hospital grade disinfectant
What is sterilization?
The process that kills all microorganisms on the surface of an object