Chapter 8 Movemet Flashcards
Smooth muscles
Control the digestive system and other organs
Slow moving, no brain control
Skeletal muscles/ striated muscles
Control movement of the body in relation to the environment
Muscles we work out and do have control over
Cardiac muscles
Heart muscles that have properties of skeletal and and smooth muscles
Somewhat control
Neuromuscular junction
A synapse between a motor neuron axon and a muscle fiber
Release of chemicals causes the muscle or contract
Each muscle fiber has only one master
Antagonistic muscles
Movement requires the alternating contraction of opposing sets of muscles
Flexor muscle
One that flexed or raises an appendage
Extensor muscle
One that extends an appendage or straightens it
Myasthenia gravis
An autoimmune disease in which the immune system forms antibodies that attack the acetylcholine receptors neuromuscular junctions
Causes the progressive weakness and rapid fatigue of the skeletal muscles
Fast twitch fibers
Produce fast contractions but fatigue rapidly
Anaerobic and do not require oxygen
Slow twitch fibers
Produce less vigorous contractions without fatigue
Aerobic and require oxygen during movement
Receptors that detect the position or movement of a part of the body
Muscle spindles
Proprioceptors parallel to the muscle that responds to a stretch
Causes a contraction of the muscle
Stretch reflex
Occurs when muscle proprioceptors detect the stretch and tension of a muscle and send messages to the spinal cord to contract it
Golgi tendon organ
Type of proprioceptor that responds to increases in muscle tension
Acts as a brake against excessively vigorous contraction by sending an impulse to the spinal cord where motor neurons are inhibited
Involuntary, consistent and automatic responses to stimuli