Chapter 8 - Joints of the Skeletal System Flashcards
Classified structurally by the type of tissue that binds the bones at each junction
Can also be grouped functionally according to the degree of movement possible at the bony junctions
Synarthrotic joints
Immovable joints
Slightly movable joints
Freely movable joints
How are joints classified
Structurally or functionally
What is a joint?
A functional junction between bones
What is the most commonly used joint classification?
Joint: Skull, Type:
Suture, fibrous
Joint: Temporomandibular, Type:
Modified hinge, synovial
Joint: Atlanto-occipital, Type:
Condylar, synovial
Joint: Atlantoaxial, Type:
Pivot, synovial
Joint: Intervertebral, Type:
Plane, synovial
Joint: Sacroiliac, Type:
Plane, synovial
Joint: Vertebrocostal, Type:
Plane, synovial
Joint: Sternoclavicular, Type:
Plane, synovial
Joint: Sternocostal, sternum and rib 1; Type:
Synchondrosis, cartilaginous
Joint: Sternocostal, sternum and ribs 2-7; Type:
Plane, synovial
Joint: Acromioclavicular, Type:
Plane, synovial
Joint: Shoulder, Type:
Ball-and-socket, synovial
Joint: Elbow (humero-ulnar), Type:
Hinge, synovial
Joint: Elbow (humeroradial), Type:
Plane, synovial
Joint: Proximal radioulnar, Type:
Pivot, synovial
Joint: Distal radioulnar, Type:
Pivot, synovial
Joint: Wrist (radiocarpal), Type:
Condylar, synovial
Joint: Intercarpal, Type:
Plane, synovial
Joint: Carpometacarpal, carpal and metacarpal 1; Type:
Saddle, synovial
Joint: Carpometacarpal, carpals and metacarpals 2-5; Type:
Condylar, synovial
Joint: Interphalangeal, Type:
Hinge, synovial
Joint: Pubic symphysis, Type:
Symphysis, cartilaginous
Joint: Hip, Type:
Ball-and-socket, synovial
Joint: Knee (tibiofemoral), Type:
Modified hinge, synovial
Joint: Knee (femoropatellar), Type:
Plane, synovial
Joint: Proximal tibiofibular, Type:
Plane, synovial
Joint: Distal tibiofibular, Type:
Syndesmosis, fibrous
Joint: Ankle (talocrural), Type:
Hinge, synovial
Joint: Intertarsal, Type:
Plane, synovial
Joint: Tarsometatarsal, Type:
Plane, synovial
Joint: Metatarsophalangeal, Type:
Condylar, synovial