Chapter 5 - Tissues Flashcards
Cartilage cells are also called…
Definition: Pseud-
Definition: hist-
web, tissue (EX: histology - study of composition and function of tissues.)
Cells in the inner linings of the digestive, respiratory, and reproductive systems secrete abundant…
Are weaker than collagenous fibers, but are easily stretches/deformed and will resume their original lengths and shapes when the force acting upon them is removed.
Elastic fibers
Nervous tissue includes abundant
Has a duct that branches repeatedly before reaching the secretory portion.
Compound gland
The 4 tissue types are…
Epithelial, connective, muscle, and nervous.
Are highly branched and form delicate supporting networks in a variety of tissues.
Reticular fibers
Fibrocartilage also cushions bones in the…
knees and in the pelvic girdle
Is only in in the heart.
Cardiac muscle tissue
Are farther apart than epithelial cells, and have abundant extracellular matrix between them.
Connective tissues
Consists of a single layer of cube-shaped cells.
Simple cuboidal epithelium
Has sparse collagenous fibers
loose connective tissue
Dendrites respond by
transmitting electrical impulses along cellular processes called axons.
Definition: hyla-`
Resemblance to glass (EX: hyaline cartilage)
Lines the oral cavity.
Stratified squamous epithelium
Thin collagenous fibers
Reticular fibers
Channels that link cytoplasm of adjacent cells.
Gap junctions
Cartilage tissue lacks…
direct blood supply
Consists of many closely packed, thick, collagenous fibers; a fine network of elastic fibers; and a few cells, mostly fibroblasts.
Dense regular connective tissue
Cartilage cells lie completely within the..
extracellular matrix
Typically watery and has a high concentration of enzymes.
Serous fluid
The three types of cartilage
Hyaline, Elastic, and FIbrocartilage
Histamine is a substance that promotes some of the reactions associated with
inflammation and allergies
Definition: chondr-
Cartilage (EX: chondrocyte - cartilage cell)
Are tightly packed.
Epithelial cells
Lines part of the nasal cavity.
Pseudostratified columnar epithelium
Found in inner lining of the urinary bladder and lines ureters & superior urethra.
Transitional epithelium
Rich in glycoprotein mucin.
Divide and are crucial to the functioning of neurons.
Bloods includes three types of cells.
Red blood cells, white blood cells, and cellular fragments called platelets.
Histamine stimulates inflammation by dilating the small…
arterioles that feed capillaries
Are important components of the body parts that hold structures together, such as ligaments and tendons.
Collagenous fibers
Includes loose connective tissue and dense connective tissue.
Connective tissue proper
Cartilage cells occupy small chambers called…
Definition: adip-
Adipose tissue - tissue that stores fat
Underlies most layers of epithelium, where its many blood vessels nourish nearby epithelial cells.
Areolar connective tissue
As scavenger cells, they can clear foreign particles from tissues, providing an important defense against infection.
Hyaline cartilage is important in the development and growth of most…
The fibers are thicker, interwoven, and more randomly organized
Dense irregular connective tissue
A rigid connective tissue
Originate as white blood cells and are almost as numerous as fibroblasts in some connective tissues.
Definition: Os-
Lines the small intestine.
Simple columnar epithelium
Cells of serous membranes secrete watery
serous fluid
Transitional epithelium forms a barrier that helps prevent contents of urinary tract from…
Diffusing back into internal environment.
Also release histamine
Mast cells
Are large and widely distributed in connective tissues; are usually near blood vessels.
Mast cells
Contractile; can shorten and thicken.
Muscle tissues
Definition: Phag-
To eat
Fibroblast and mast cells are considered…
fixed cells
Is found on the ends of bones in many joints, in the soft part of the nose, and in the supporting rings of the respiratory passages.
Hyaline cartilage
Deeper layers of stratified squamous epithelium are…
Cuboidal or columnar
Tissue containing abundant collagenous fibers is called
dense connective tissue
Forms muscles that usually attach to bones.
Skeletal muscle tissue
The three major types of epithelial membranes are…
serous, mucous, and cutaneous
Definition: -cyt
Cell (ex: osteaocyte- bone cell)
Smooth muscle tissues comprise the walls of…
hollow internal organs
Epithelium lines the…
Hollow organs
Intercellular junctions
Structures that connect cell membranes of certain cell types.
Definition: Strat-
Layer (EX: stratified epithelium - tissue with cells in layers.)
Reticular connective tissue helps prove the…
framework of certain organs
Noncilitated simple columnar epithelium lines the…
Uterus and portions of the digestive tract
Adipose tissue lies…
beneath the skin.
These fibers branch, forming complex networks in various tissues.
Elastic fibers
Also lines the oral cavity, esophagus, vagina and anal canal.
Stratified squamous epithelium
Is found in the subcutaneous layer beneath the skin and surrounding organs.
Areolar connective tissue
Cannot be stimulated to contract by conscious effort.
Smooth muscle tissue
Simple columnar epithelium secretes…
Digestive fluids
Secrete their products into tissue fluids or blood.
Endocrine glands
Stratified columnar epithelium lines larger…
Ducts of exocrine glands
Form the inner lining of the thorax and abdomen and cover the organs in these cavities.
Serous membranes
Single layer of thin, flattened cells.
Simple squamous epithelium
Where one cell touches another cell is a specialized intercellular junction called an…
intercalated disk (seen only in cardiac tissue)
Epithelium forms the inner lining of…
Body cavities
Stratified columnar epithelium is found in parts of…
Male urethra
Line the body cavities that do not open to the outside.
Serous membranes
Line the cavities and tubes that open to the outside of the body.
Mucous membranes
A unicellular gland is a…
single secretory cell
True or false: substances pass easily through simple squamous epithelium.
Simple squamous epithelium is easily…
Is composed of protein fibers and a ground substance consisting of nonfibrous protein and other materials.
Extracellular matrix
A mucous membrane consists of…
Epithelium overlying a layer of areolar connective tissue.
Found in the attachments between bones of the spinal column.
Elastic connective tissue
Release fluid products by exocytosis.
Merocrine glands
Bone internally supports
body structures
The nuclei is usually near basement membrane in…
Simple columnar epithelium
In a TIGHT JUNCTION the membranes of adjacent cells…
Converge and fuse
Release heparin, a compound that prevents blood clotting.
Mast cells
Secrete the products into ducts that open onto surfaces, such as skin or lining of digestive tract.
Exocrine glands
Dense irregular connective tissue is in the…
Is a shock absorber for structures subjected to pressure.
Release entire cells
Holocene glands
Incoming signals stimulate neuro-cellular processes called…
Specialized to change in response to increased
Transitional epithelium
Is composed of thin, reticular fibers in a three-dimensional network.
Reticular connective tissue
Tight junctions typically join cells that…
Form sheetlike layers
The three types of connective tissue fibers are…
Collagenous fibers, elastic fibers, and reticular fibers.
Reduce friction between the organs and cavity walls.
Serous membranes
Tissues are
Layers or groups of similar cells with a common function.
Cubelike cells
Cuboidal cells
Stratified squamous epithelium cells nearest the free surface are…
Flattened the most
Adipose tissue cushions…
joints and some organs.
Terminal portions form saclike dilations.
Alveolar glands
Most blood cells form in special tissues in…
red marrow
Epithelium composed of a single layer of cells is called…
These fibers are thick threads of the protein collagen.
Collagenous fibers
Enable us to write, talk, sing, chew, swallow, and breathe.
Skeletal muscles
Lines ducts of mammary glands, sweat glands, salivary glands, and pancreas.
Stratified cuboidal epithelium
These large, star-shaped cells produce fibers by secreting proteins into the extracellular matrix of connective tissues.
Other epithelial cell functions are…
Secretion, absorption, and excretion.
Consists of epithelial-lined tubules.
Tubular glands
Also called fat; develops when certain cells store fat in droplets in their cytoplasm.
Adipose connective tissue
Allow ions, nutrients, and other small molecules to pass through them.
Gap junctions
Epithelial membranes cover…
body surfaces
Elongated cells
Columnar cells
Are separated by a gel-like ground substance that contains many collagenous and elastic fibers that fibroblasts secrete.
Areolar connective tissue
Bone hardness is largely due to
Mineral salts between cells (such as calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate)
Serous fluid helps
lubricate membrane surfaces
Composed of a single layer of cells that ar longer than they are wides.
Simple columnar epithelium
Definition: inter-
Among, between
Glandular epithelium cells are usually found within…
Columnar or cuboidal epithelium
Protects underlying tissues and forms structural models for many developing bones.
Elastic connective tissue is also in the layers within the walls of certain…
hollow internal organs
Simple squamous epithelium form the walls of…
Definition: -glia
Glue (EX: neuroglia - cells that support neurons; part of nervous tissue)
Typically migrate from the blood through capillary walls to connective tissues.
White blood cells
Lose small portions of their glandular cell bodies during secretion.
Apocrine glands
Skeletal muscles move the…
Head, trunk, and limbs.
The two major categories of connective tissues.
Connective tissue proper and specialized connective tissues.
Simple columnar epithelium absorbs…
Nutrients from digested foods
Epithelium composed of two or more layers of cells is called…
Stratified epitelium
Definition: Stria-
Pseudostratified columnar epithelium appear _____ but are not.
Stratified or layered
Composed of cells specialized to produce and secrete substances into ducts or body fluids.
Glandular epithelium cells
Forms delicate, thin membranes throughout the body.
Areolar connective tissue
Lines follicles of of the thyroid gland and covers ovaries, lines kidney tubules, and ducts of certain glands.
Simple cuboidal epitelium
Red blood cells transport…
Are branched and interconnected
Cardiac muscle cells
A type of membrane composed entirely of connective tissues.
Synovial membrane
Rivets or “spot welds” skin cells, enabling them to form a reinforced structural unit.
Are grouped in long, parallel bundles, and are flexible but only slightly elastic.
Collagenous fibers
Elastic cartilage provides the framework for the…
external ears and parts of the larynx
The three types of muscle tissue are…
skeletal, smooth, and cardiac.
Can be cilitated or noncilitated
Simple columnar epithelium
Are thin, flattened cells.
Squamous cells
The outermost layer of skin is called…
It protects vital structures in the cranial and thoracic cavities and is an attachment for muscles.
Simple cuboidal epithelium usually have spherical…
Binds, supports, and provides a medium through which substances may be transferred between blood and cells of the tissue.
The ground substance of extracellular matrix
A connective tissue composed of cells suspended in a fluid extracellular matix called plasma.
The basic nervous tissue cells are called…
Move through and appear in tissues temporarily, usually in response to an injury or infection.
Wandering cells
One or more glandular epithelium cells constitutes a…
Definition: Neur-
Most likely to allow substances to move from one cell to another.
Gap junction
The blood supply to dense regular connective tissue is…
Two or three layers of cuboidal cells that form the lining of a lumen.
Stratified cuboidal epithelium
Lines passages of respiratory system,
Pseudostratified columnar epithelium
Skeletal muscles enable us to make
facial expressions
Platelets are involved in…
blood clotting
Lose connective tissue and dense connective tissue are more…
Specialized to carry on phagocytosis.
Red blood cells are the only type of blood cells that function…
entirely in the blood vessels
Epithelial membranes line…
body cavities
The cells of this tissue, mainly fibroblasts, are located some distance apart.
Areolar connective tissue
Simple squamous epithelium lines the insides of…
Blood and lymph vessels
Mucus cells and goblet cells secrete mucus but in.,.
different parts of the body.
Collagen is the major
structural protein of the body
Insulates beneath the skin and stores energy in fat molecules.
Adipose connective tissue
The dermis is the…
inner skin layer.
Basement membranes anchor…
Epithelium to underlying connective tissue.
More commonly called skin.
Cutaneous membrane
Comprise much of the body and are the most abundant type of tissue by weight.
Connective tissues
Its cells lack striations (cross-markings)
Smooth muscle tissue
The most abundant connective tissue fibers are…
Collagenous and elastic fibers
Provides support, frameworks, and attachements
The most common type of fixed cell in connective tissues.
Goblet cells within a mucous membrane secrete…
The most rigid connective tissue.
Secrete a protective fluid called mucus.
Goblet cells
Consists of many layers of cells, is relatively thick.
Stratified squamous epithelium
Between elastic connective tissue are…
Collagenous fibers and fibroblasts
Canal, duct or cavity of tubular organ.
Covers body surface and organs.
Pseudostratified columnar epithelium commonly have…
Each cardiac muscle cell has a single…
Superficial cells are elongated; basal layer consists of cube-shaped cells
Stratified columnar epithelium
Tissues can be distinguished from each other by variations in…
Size, shape, organization, and function.
Synovial membrane lines
Is more flexible than hyaline cartilage.
Elastic cartilage
Is abundant and is largely composed of collagenous fibers embedded in a gel-like ground substance.
Cartilage extracellular matrix
They bind structures, provide support and protection, serve as frameworks, fill spaces, store fat, produce blood cells, protect against infections, and help repair tissue damage.
Connective tissues
The cells that compromise muscle tissues are sometimes called…
muscle fibers
The most common type of cartilage.
Hyaline cartilage
Includes cartilage, bone, and blood.
Specialized connective tissues
Epithelial cells readily…
Definition: Squam-
Scale (EX: squamous epithelium - tissues with flattened or scalelike cells.)
White blood cells…
Fight infection
Are common in body parts normally subjected to stretching, such as vocal cords and air passages.
Elastic fibers
Definition: epi-
Upon, after, in addition (EX: epithelial tissue - tissue that covers all free body surfaces.)
A cartilaginous structure is enclosed in a covering of connective tissue called…
Are found in the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves.
Nervous tissues
Protein found in dead outer skin layer.
Are composed of a springlike protein called elastin.
Elastic fibers
A very tough tissue, has many collagenous fibers.
Cells that reside in a specific connective tissue type for an extended period.
Fixed cells
The study of tissues is called…
Its extracellular matrix has a dense network of elastic fibers
Elastic cartilage
When adipocytes become so abundant that they crowd out other cell types, they form…
Adipose connective tissue
Can continue to function without nervous stimulation.
Cardiac muscle
Forms pads (intervertebral disks) between the individual bones (vertebrae) of the spinal column.
Is part of membranes that line and cover the viscera.
Simple squamous epithelium
Mainly consists of yellow, elastic fibers in parallel strands or in branching networks.
Elastic connective tissue
Simple squamous epithelium is common at sites of…
Filtration and diffusion
Definition: macr-
Communicates with the surface by means of a duct that does not branch by reaching the glandular cells or secretory portin.
A simple gland
Thin, nonliving layer.
Basement membrane
Thin structures that are usually composed of epithelium and underlying connective tissue.
Epithelial membranes
A multicellular gland is a…
gland that consists of many cells
Some, such as bone and cartilage, are rigid.
Connective tissues