Chapter 6 - Integumentary System - Part 2 Flashcards
Accessory structures of the skin originate from the epidermis and include…
Nails, hair follicles, and skin glands
Each nail consists of a…
Nail plate and a nail bed`
The whitish half-moon area is called the…
Lunula is the most active ____ of the nail…
Growth region
Nails grow from epithelial cells that…
Divide and become keratinized
At any time, 90% of hair is in the ____ phase.
Each hair develops from a group of epidermal cells at the base of a tubelike depression called a…
Hair follicle
The hair follicle extends from the surface into the dermis and contains the…
Hair root
The hair root is the portion of hair that is…
Embedded in the skin
A hair is composed of dead…
Epidermal cells
Genes determine hair colors by directing the type and amount of ____ that epidermal melanocytes produce.
Androgenetic alopecia is also known as…
Pattern baldness
Muscle that attaches to each hair follicle, causes hair to stand up when cold or nervous…
Arrector pili muscle
Contain groups of specialized epithelial cells and are usually associate with hair follicles…
Sebaceous glands
Sebaceous glands release sebum and are known as…
Holocrine glands
Helps keep hairs soft, pliable, and smooth…
Each of this gland consists of a tiny tube that originates as a ball-shaped coil in the deeper dermis or superficial subcutaneous layer.
Sweat gland
The most numerous sweat glands are called…
Eccrine glands
Eccrine glands respond to…
Body temperature
Sweat is mostly water, but it also contains small amounts of salts and wastes such as…
Urea and uric acid
Sweating is also a…
Secretory function
Sweat glands that develop a scent as skin bacteria metabolize them are called…
Apocrine glands
Apocrine sweat glands become active at puberty and can wet certain areas of the skin when a person is…
Emotionally upset, frightened, or in pain
Blackheads and whiteheads are collectively known as…