Chapter 8 Flashcards
the study of interacting effects of inequality and the resulting experiences
social system in subcultures of India and Hindus where the social status that you’re born into is held for life
life chances
termed by Max Weber, signify a person’s chances for achieving economic prosperity
factors that determine one’s class
income, wealth, education, occupation
money from work and investments
value of one’s assets minus their debt
means of production
the means by which someone gains livelihood or by which the produciton of material goods is carried out in a society
capitalists who own companies, land, stock or shares to generate economic return
earn living by selling labor to capitalists
surplus value
in Marx theory, the value of a worker’s labor left over when the employer has repaid the cost of hiring the worker
Marxist theory
includes bourgeoisie which exploits proletariat, capitalism widens wealth gap, working class will eventually rise up and overthrow capitalist system, resulting in communism
social system that occurs when working class overthrows capitalist system, resulting in a classless society where everyone contributes to a common good
differences between Marx and Weber theories
- Weber says that class divisions derive from lack of control of means of production and economic differences that don’t have to do with property(skills and credentials) Managerial and professional positions earn more money and enjoy more favorable conditions at work
- Weber distinguishes status
- Weber said classes differ by power
Pariah groups
groups that have negative status discrimination, preventing them from certain opportunities
Davis and Moore theory
functionalist view of stratification, it has benificial effects on society, unequal societies put the most qualified people int he most powerufl positions,
Erik Olin Wright theory
3 dimesions of control over economic resources in modern capitalism allows us to idnetify major classes
- Control over investments/money capital
- control over physical means of production
- control over labor power
Capitalist class controls these things, working class doesn’t, most people must sell their labor. This class is divided up by relationship to authority and posessions of skills and expertise
contradictory class locations
Part of Erik Olin Wright theory, they are positions that are intermediate to the capitalist and working class
the poorest of the poor population
intergenerational mobility
movement up or down the social hierarchy from one generation to another
intragenerational mobility
movement in a social stratification hierarchy within the course of a personal career
structural mobility
mobility resulting in from the changes in the number and kinds of jobs
exchange mobility
the exchange of people in the social hierarchy in terms of talent, societies aim for this but it is never fully accomplished
cultural capital
Bordieu argued that transmission of this is the most important factor impacting social status, it is noneconomic/cultural resources that parents pass down to their children such as language and knowledge.
absolute poverty
not meeting the minimal requirements to maintain a healthy existence, more common in developing countries
relative poverty
poverty defined by the living standards of the majority in a society
working poor
people who work but don’t make enough to get above the poverty line
Kuznets curve
a formula that inequality increases during the early stages of capitalist development, then declines and stabilizes at a low level, made my Simon Kuznets
What has lead to inequality found in developed countries?
globalization and declining role of governments
Thomas Piketty’s conclusions
unless an economy is growing rapidly, increases in wealth will exceed economic growth. This results in a concentration of wealth and growing inequality
dependency culture
a term by Charles Murray that refers to individuals who rely on the welfare system rather than getting jobs. The welfare system undermines ambition and people capacity for self-help