Chapter 8 Flashcards
Primary reinforcer
A consequence that functions as a reinforcer because it is important in sustaining the life of the individual or the continuation of the species
Conditioned reinforcers
Consequences that function as reinforcers only after learning occurs
Token economy
A set of rules governing the delivery of response-contingent conditioned reinforcers (tokens, points, etc) that may be later exchanged for one or more backup reinforcers
Backup reinforcer
The reinforcer provided after the conditioned reinforcer signals the delay reduction to its delivery
Natural selection has prepared us to find some consequences reinforcing. We refer to such consequences as ________________ reinforcers.
__________________ reinforcers are those that will not reinforce behavior until the individual has learned that the consequence signals a delay reduction to a backup reinforcer.
The learning that must occur before a conditioned reinforcer will function as a reinforcer is _________________ conditioning.
When it comes to conditioned reinforcers, verbally capable humans have an advantage over nonverbal organisms. Instead of learning the Pavlovian CS (conditioned reinforcer) → US (__________ reinforcer) relation, someone can simply verbally describe this contingency.
The _________________ _________________ is one of the most widely used conditioned-reinforcement technologies in applied behavior analysis. Points, tokens, tickets, and so on are provided immediately upon the desired behavior and are later exchanged for backup reinforcers.
Token economy
Real and fictional schools use a version of the token economy known as the ___________ ______________ Game to encourage desirable student behavior.
Good Behavior
Differential reinforcement of successive approximations to a terminal behavior
A state in which one feels immersed in a rewarding activity and in which we lose track of time and self
Shaping involves the _______________ reinforcement of successive approximations to a terminal behavior.
Recalling from Chapter 7, when we differentially reinforce behavior, we will ___________________ a desired behavior and __________________ another, previously reinforced behavior. A
Within this definition of shaping, the ______________ behavior refers to the ultimate goal – where we ultimately want the behavior to stabilize, at an adaptive level, for example, zero cigarettes smoked per day.