Chapter 10 Flashcards
A contingent consequence that decreases the future probability of behavior below its pre-punishment level.
The process or procedure whereby a reinforcer increases operant behavior
The process or procedure whereby a punisher decreases the future probability of an operant response.
Positive reinforcer
Increases the future probability of behavior when a stimulus is presented
Positive punisher
Decreases the future probability of behavior when a stimulus is presented
Negative reinforcer
Increases the behavior when a stimulus is removed, reduced or prevented
Negative punisher
Decreases the behavior when a stimulus is removed, reduced or prevented
Positive punishment
The contingent presentation of a consequence that decreases the future probability of the behavior below its no-punishment level
Negative punishment
Contingent removal, reduction, or prevention of a reinforcer; the effect of which decreases the future probability of the behavior below it’s no-punishment level.
Behavior analysts define a _______ as a contingent consequence that decreases the probability of behavior below its pre-punishment level.
Punishers are contingent consequences, so they happen _______ (before/after) behavior.
The effect of a reinforcer is that it _______ the future probability of behavior, whereas the effect of a punisher is that it _______ the future probability of behavior.
The process or procedure whereby a punisher decreases the future probability of an operant response is called _______.
When a car thief is convicted and put in prison, they are unable to steal cars for the duration of their sentence. Based on this information alone, can we classify the prison sentence as a punisher?
Positive reinforcers ______ the future probability of behavior, and negative reinforcers _____ the future probability of behavior.
Positive punishers _______ the future probability of behavior, and negative punishers _______ the future probability of behavior.
When a positive punisher is delivered, a stimulus is _______. When a _______ punisher occurs, a stimulus is removed, reduced, or prevented.
Six characteristics of effective punishment interventions
1) Focus on reinforcement first
2) Combine punishment with extinction and/or differential reinforcement
3) Deliver punishers immediately
4) Deliver punishment contingently
5) Punish every time
6) Use a punisher in the Goldilocks zone
Punishment is used in applied (clinical) settings when the behavior is _______________ to oneself or others.
When designing an effective intervention that will include punishment, it is important to identify the ___________________ that maintains the problem behavior.
When the reinforcer maintaining problem behavior has been identified, the behavior analyst designing the punishment-based intervention will explore procedures that can _______________ the efficacy of those reinforcers. If the reinforcer can be weakened, the punisher will be more effective.
An effective punishment-based intervention will combine punishment with _______________________ or ________________ ____________________.
Differential reinforcement
Punishers are more effective when delivered ______________________ after the problem behavior occurs.
If it is impossible to deliver the punisher immediately, then the next best practice is to clarify the ________________ (IF→THEN) relation between the past behavior and the present punisher.
Punishers are effective only when they are delivered __________________ on the problem behavior. Administering noncontingent punishers will not work.
In the Oliver et al. (1974) study (see Figure 10.6), noncontingent punishment actually ___________________ the future probability of aggressive behavior.
Punishing a problem behavior every once in a while is not an effective way to use punishment. Instead, punishers should follow _________ instance of problem behavior.
Arranging the least-restrictive punishment contingency means finding a punisher in the Goldilocks zone. That is, the punisher should not be too ______________, nor should it be so benign that it does not decrease problem behavior.
Primary punisher
a contingent consequence that functions as a punisher because, in the evolutionary past of the species, this consequence decreased the chances of survival
Conditioned punisher
a contingent consequence that signals a delay reduction to a backup punisher
Time-out from positive reinforcement
a signaled response-contingent suspension of a positive-reinforcement contingency, the effect of which decreases the future probability of problem behavior
Four guidelines for effectively using time-out from positive reinforcement
1) Provide no more than one verbal warning
2) Significantly reduce access to reinforcers
3) End after no more than 5 minutes, even if the child is not sitting quietly
4) Every instance of the problem behavior produces a timeout
Response-cost punishers
negative punishers that involve the removal or reduction of a reinforcer
A _________________ punisher is a contingent consequence that functions as a punisher because, in the evolutionary past of the species, this consequence decreased the chances of survival.
________________ punishers signal a delay reduction to a backup punisher.
A conditioned punisher will be more effective in decreasing problem behavior when (1) the backup punisher (US) is a phylogenetically important event, (2) the conditioned punisher (CS) is highly salient, (3) the conditioned punisher signals a large ___________ _____________ to the US, and (4) the conditioned punisher is not redundant with another stimulus that already signals the US is coming.
Delay reduction
A time-out from ________________ __________________ is a signaled response-contingent suspension of a positive-reinforcement contingency, the effect of which is to decrease the future probability of problem behavior.
Positive reinforcement
The data suggest one should never provide more than _________ verbal warning(s) before administering a time-out from positive reinforcement.
Time-out from positive reinforcement will not reduce problem behavior if, during the time-out, the availability of ___________________ is not reduced.
In applied settings, behavior analysts refer to negative punishers as _________________ ____________ punishers. These involve a response-contingent reduction or removal of a stimulus that functions as a positive reinforcer; the effect of which is to decrease the future probability of problem behavior.
Response cost
When a stimulus signals that a behavior is very likely to be punished, the frequency of that behavior ___________________.
When humans observe a stimulus that suggests the dominant god(s) of their culture is(are) watching, anti-social behavior ___________________.
Using punishment to reduce problem behavior is itself an operant behavior. That is, this behavior is ____________________ when the problem behavior decreases.
In cooperation/competition games, humans increasingly prefer the version of the game that allows them to use _____________________. The reason why is that they experience the benefits of this behavior-influencing consequence.